
大量的文献已经写了关于品牌和营销策略,从不同的角度和角度来看新的营销主题。品牌失败的Matt Haig(2003)看起来在一系列的100个案例研究,寻找失败或失败的品牌。它需要一个案例研究,并提供了许多有价值的见解背后的具体情况背后为什么品牌有时出错。本书中大量的原始信息使得研究某些产品的失败和其他人的成功成为必要。重塑品牌,由Jean Noel Kapferer(2001)着眼于新技术的影响,这已在商店品牌。Kapferer看着之间的相互联系的全球事件和当地的活动,看品牌如何能跨越深层矛盾的复杂性和支撑的后现代世界。Pekka Sulkunen构建新的消费社会,John Jolmwood等人。(1997)提供了一个选择,什么是所谓的“新消费”的文章,并提供了一个类似的角度对Kapferer的书。再次关注的焦点是如何从根本上发展技术已经改变了消费者和企业之间的关系。Stephen Brown和Anthony Patterson想象营销(2000)如何看待持不同政见的元素从前卫艺术已纳入主流品牌;正是在这个问题有趣因为它看起来特别是在一个特定的反主流文化的同化和对这些反文化倾向的相互作用。
A great deal of literature has been written about branding and marketing strategies that look at the subject of new marketing from a variety of different views and angles. Brand Failures by Matt Haig (2003) looks at a series of 100 case studies looking at failed or failing brands. It takes a case by case study, and provides many valuable insights into the specific conditions behind why branding sometimes goes wrong. The abundance of raw information in this book makes it essential for a study of how certain products fail and others succeed. Reinventing the Brand, by Jean Noel Kapferer (2001) looks at the implications of new technologies and what this has in store for branding. Kapferer looks at the interconnectedness between global events and local events, and looks at how branding can straddle the deep complexities and contradictions that underpin the postmodern world. Constructing the New Consumer Society by Pekka Sulkunen, John Jolmwood et al. (1997) provides a selection of essays about what is called the “new consumerism”, and offers a similar angle to Kapferer’s book. Again the focus is on how radically developing technologies have changed the relationship between consumers and corporations. Imagining Marketing by Stephen Brown and Anthony Patterson (2000) looks at how dissident elements from avant-garde art have been incorporated into mainstream branding; it is interesting in light of this question because it looks particularly at the assimilation of a specific counterculture and upon how these countercultures tend to interplay.