
In 1974 amendments to ESEA and EHA were passed (Public law 93-380) in order to increase financial assistance to states to provide services to children with disabilities. This law also included language that informed school districts that federal aid for programs for students with disabilities would be dependent on states developing plans for adequate services for children with disabilities. Finally, in 1975, The Landmark Education of All Handicapped Children Act (EHA); Public Law 94-124) was passed. This law requires that all students have access to free and appropriate public education that is provided in the least restrictive environment. Under Public Law 94-142, schools were required to provide service only for children of school age. But In 1986, public law 99-457 was passed. This law mandated special education services for children ages 3-5 and provided financial incentives to states to provide services for children ages birth to 3.I can only imagine the difficulties that schools had to face before Public law 94-142 was passed. But even after 1975 children with disabilities who were not yet in schools (ages 3-5) had no rights that support their educational needs either. It took eleven years for the law to be revised.