
In most of my evening classes, to involve the students in active interaction was tactful as most of them were exhausted after a long day's work. I remember that my confidence was put to test during an evening lecture where students were as silent as portray. Despite all efforts that I tried, they simply did not respond to any of my questions. This has strongly led me to believe that I must be very boring and lacking in teaching skills.The worse thing was that one of the students had actually dozed off about an hour after class started. My abilities to connect with the students became questionable. I started to reflect and checked on all possibilities that led to the ineffective communication and failing to capture students' attention. I eventually noticed that it rained heavily that night and we could even hear the pounding sound of the rain through the windows of the classroom. The room temperature was very cold even though it was adjusted to room temperature. PowerPoint slides were used in lecture, thus, half of the lightings in the classroom was switched off for the purpose.Realising the situation and the constraint of the physical layout and structure of the classroom, I switched on all the lights, asked students to copy diagrams, which I drawn on the whiteboard instead of carrying on with the slide presentation. Later on at the end of the day, I tried to probe on the cause of their behaviours. Still there were not many responds, but a few of them responded and assured me that it was the rain and not me. The others nodded their heads to signal agreement to the statement made.