
In past years people would lock their disabled children up in rooms and isolate them from others because they were ashamed of them or because they were different and they didn't know how or what to do with them. This made matter worse, disabled children were left isolate and alone, sometimes being abused physically and sexually, they were not considered human. This continued to happen until a few pioneer, people who were advocates for children with special stood up for them and brought their cases to court, but that's something of the past now. The education laws have also seen a turn -about. One major area of education was in a desperate need of changed was opinions and beliefs. Education for children with learning problems had emerged from no education for children with special needs to special funding for programs especially for those individuals with learning problems .The special education for special needs children went through man y phases before they were recognized by the court systems. The first phase of special education is the largest span of time. The foundation Phase was from 1800 to 1930, children who had any sign of learning problems were labeled as being dumb, retarded, and even brain injured. The reason students would have been labeled as brain injured is because of studies done on war victims and soldiers of war. Many soldiers had head injuries and the way they acted related vary similarly to the way "brain injured" students acted. At this time period researchers and doctors located the area of the brain related to language, or the language function of the brain.