
虽然麦金农是主要的演员和主要的受益者,在文章中他说,“我认为我想被抓住,因为它正在毁灭我”(Turton, 2009)。这表明麦金农的幸福是短暂的,因此他辞去了工作,和女朋友分手,这让他很不开心。软件制造商RemotelyAnywhere后来有了很多的宣传,但是这主要是负面的宣传,因为他们的软件被用来犯罪。一个小的好处可能是,那些想要犯罪的人会更多地购买他们的软件,即使这不是它的目的。大量的不满将来自该网络的所有者——美国政府。这次入侵给政府带来了很大的尴尬,而安全措施薄弱的说法更是加剧了这种尴尬。即使麦金农故意造成损害的指控是不真实的,发现、跟踪和修复入侵的成本可能比实际的攻击成本更高(Baase, 2003)。这可以用金钱和时间来衡量。功利主义伦理认为幸福是可以计算出来的。一个行为可以被认为是正确的,如果总好的减去总坏的大于替代(sinnot - armstrong, 2006)。强调幸福的计算是基于每个人都会受到行为的影响。这与利己主义相反,利己主义只关注个体行为的幸福(Johnson, 2001;Spinello表示,1995)。基于利己主义,麦金农的行为是正当的,因为他的行为纯粹是为了自己的快乐而不顾他人。然而,当他被抓住的时候,他最可能得到的判决可能会超过他目前的幸福。
Whilst McKinnon is the primary actor and the main benefiter, in the article he is quoted as saying “I think I wanted to be caught, because it was ruining me” (Turton, 2009). This indicates that McKinnon’s happiness was short lived and as a result produced unhappiness from him quitting his job and splitting up with his girlfriend. The makers of the software RemotelyAnywhere subsequently had much publicity, however this is predominantly negative publicity as their software was used to commit crime. A small benefit may be that those wishing to commit crime, would buy their software more, even if this is not its intended purpose. A large amount of unhappiness would come from the owners of the network, the US government. The break-in has caused a large amount of embarrassment for the government, intensified by the claims that the security was weak. Even if the allegations that McKinnon deliberately caused damage are untrue, the cost of finding, tracking and fixing the break-in may be more costly than the actual offense (Baase, 2003). This could be gauged both in terms of money and time.Utilitarian ethics assumed happiness can be somehow calculated. An action can be deemed correct if the total good minus the total bad is greater than that of an alternative (Sinnott-Armstrong, 2006). It is emphasised that the happiness is calculated based upon everyone who would be affected by the action. This is opposite to egoism, which is only concerned with the happiness of the individual undertaking the action (Johnson, 2001; Spinello, 1995). Based upon egoism, McKinnon’s actions are justified as he was acting purely for his own enjoyment with disregard for anyone else. However as he was caught, the sentence he will most likely receive may outweigh his current happiness.