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穆斯林在试图理解上帝的同时,也试图通过不同的研究和科学调查来揭示人性的真相(沙特阿拉伯,1994)。例如,穆斯林用存在于西班牙的罗马数字系统来代替阿拉伯数字系统,阿拉伯数字系统从那时起在代数、算术和商业中得到了广泛的应用。此外,在伊斯兰教入侵之后,天文学、医学、生物学和化学在西班牙开始蓬勃发展(Lewis, 1993)。在穆斯林时代最著名的西班牙哲学家、作家、艺术家和科学家是Al-Kwarizmi, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Zuhr, Al-Razi和Ibn Sina (Chejne, 1974)。伊本新浪的医学专著Al-Qanun在许多欧洲教育机构学习了约三百年,被认为是最好的医疗工作。西班牙是最大的穆斯林学者阿布Zakariyah al-Awwam Ishibili谁创建了一个程序的移植和名字了超过五百株(Ghazanfar,2004)。对天文学感兴趣的西班牙穆斯林学者佩德罗·阿方索(Pedro Alfonzo)声称,他的愿望是要使以拉丁方式接受教育的人对这门科学的知识重新获得生命,而这门科学的知识在那些以拉丁方式接受教育的人中间是如此可悲(赫尔墨斯,1977年,第72页)。由于科学发展到了如此先进的阶段,许多欧洲科学家来到西班牙接受各种科学知识,并翻译拉丁文文本。在经济方面,穆斯林在Al-Andalus创建了丝绸工业,逐渐将西班牙转变为丝绸生产大国之一。该国还生产缎子、棉花、胡椒、毛皮、钟表、纸张、地图和肥皂。此外,西班牙还为欧洲的精细织物制造业做出了贡献。由于原始的灌溉系统,西班牙的农业欠发达(White, 1970;出身低微的,1971);但是穆斯林用这种旧的灌溉系统代替了一种新的改良的灌溉方法,这种灌溉方法使格拉纳达和瓦伦西亚韦尔塔等地区的果园繁荣起来,水稻产量增加。
As the Muslims made attempts to understand God, they also tried to uncover the truth about human nature by conducting different researches and scientific investigations (Saud, 1994). For instance, the Muslims substituted the Roman number system existed in Spain for the Arabic number system that has been widely utilised in algebra, arithmetic and business since then. In addition, astronomy, medicine, biology and chemistry began to thrive in Spain after the Islamic invasion (Lewis, 1993). Among the most famous Spanish philosophers, writers, artists and scientists of the Muslim era are Al-Kwarizmi, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Zuhr, Al-Razi and Ibn Sina (Chejne, 1974). Ibn Sina’s medical treatise Al-Qanun had been studied in many European educational establishments for about three hundred years and had been regarded as one of the best medical works .One of the greatest Muslim scholars of Spain was Abu Zakariyah al-Awwam Ishibili who created a procedure of grafting and gave names to more than five hundred plants (Ghazanfar, 2004). Pedro Alfonzo, a Spanish Muslim scholar who was interested in astronomy, claimed that his wish was to raise once more to life the knowledge of that science which is in such a deplorable state among those educated in the Latin manner (Hermes, 1977, p.72). Due to such an advanced stage of scientific development, many European scientists arrived to Spain to receive knowledge in various sciences and to interpret Latin texts. In regard to economics, the Muslims created the silk industry in Al-Andalus, gradually transforming Spain into one of the largest countries for silk production. The country was also engaged in the production of satin, cotton, pepper, furs, clocks, paper, maps and soaps. Further Spain contributed to the fine fabrics manufacturing in Europe. Agriculture was poorly developed in Spain because of a primordial irrigation system (White, 1970; Semple, 1971); but the Muslims substituted this old system for a new improved irrigation method that resulted in the prosperity of orchards and the increase of rice crops in such areas as Granada and the Valenican huerta.

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