
1992年,英超作为一个独立的实体成立,在此之前,英格兰足球联赛由四个部门组成,包括92家俱乐部。英超联赛是独立管理的,位于三个足球联赛分区的顶端:冠军联赛、一级联赛和二级联赛。目前,理查德·克雷格·斯库达莫尔(Richard Craig Scudamore)是英超联赛执行主席,他自2014年6月以来一直担任这个职位。英超联赛是一家私人公司,由它的20个成员俱乐部共同拥有。每个俱乐部都是独立的,在英超联赛、英足总、欧足联和国际足联规定的足球规则下运作,并遵守英国和欧洲的法律。英超联赛是一个由20家足球俱乐部持有股份的商业组织。每一个参加英超联赛的俱乐部都被视为股东,并享有一票。当对规则改变或合约投票时,它需要至少三分之二或14个扶轮社的支持。英超联赛的主席、首席执行官和董事会由俱乐部选举产生。根据德勤体育商业集团的一份报告,在16/17赛季,英超收入为64亿英镑。英超各俱乐部最近达成了一份新合同,详细规定了电视转播收入分成协议。从2019/20开始,国际转播收入的增长将根据各俱乐部在联赛中的排名来分配。从2019/20赛季开始,各俱乐部将继续平均分享目前的国际收入水平,但各俱乐部也将根据赛季结束时的收入情况获得增长。根据英超官网,他们表示,“国际收入的比例上限是1.8:1。收入最高的俱乐部只能比收入最低的俱乐部(英超)大1.8倍。英超联赛是世界上收入最高的联赛之一,由于没有工资上限,俱乐部不得不支付转会费和高薪,这使得英超联赛很有趣。
Prior to the formation of the Premier League, which was created as a breakaway entity in 1992, the English Football League consisted of four divisions comprising 92 clubs. The Premier League, which is governed separately, sits atop the three Football League Divisions: Championship, League One and League Two. In the current state, Richard Craig Scudamore is the Executive Chairman of the Premier League, a position he has held since June 2014. The Premier League is a private company wholly owned by its 20 Member Clubs who make up the League at any one time. Each club is independent, working within the rules of football, as defined by the Premier League, The FA, UEFA, and FIFA, as well being subject to English and European law. The Premier League is structured as a business with 20 football clubs holding an interest in the league. Each participating club in the EPL is treated as a shareholder and is entitled to one vote. When voting on rule changes or contracts it requires the support of at least a two-thirds vote or 14 clubs. The hierarchy of Chairman, Chief Executive, and Board of Directors oversee daily operations of The Premier League are elected by the clubs.During the 16/17 season, the Premier League reported £6.4 billion in revenue, according to a report from Deloitte’s Sports Business Group. The clubs in the EPL have recently agreed upon a new contract detailing the agreement of shared TV revenue. As of 2019/20, increases in International Broadcast income is to be distributed based on where clubs finish in League. From season 2019/20, clubs will continue to share current levels of International Revenue equally, but clubs will also receive an increase based on where they finish at the end of the season. According to the Premier League Website, they state, “there are an International Revenue caps the ratio at 1.8:1. The highest revenue club can only be 1.8 times larger than the lowest earning club”(Premier League). The English Premier League is one of the highest grossing leagues in the world, which makes it interesting due to the fact a club has to pay transfer fees and high salaries since there is no payroll cap.