澳大利亚unsw代写 毒气化学武器
Keywords:澳大利亚unsw代写 毒气化学武器

澳大利亚unsw代写 毒气化学武器
It began in 2011 when a group of boys sprayed anti-government graffiti’s on their school wall in Deraa, Syria. Over half a million people have been killed in Syria since the start of the war. When the local authorities saw the graffiti, they rounded up the young boys along with a dozen suspects. The kids were detained and tortured for 45 days so the people of Deraa took it to the streets to peacefully protest demanding for the boys to be released. The police considered the protest as riot and started firing teargas and forming barricades. Special forces were then flown to Deraa from Damascus to quell the riot and as a result they opened fire to the crowds killing two of the protesters on the first day and left many wounded. On the second day, the special forces killed several protesters and also a child; and anybody who is wounded was arrested if they went to hospitals. More killings were made, and people were outraged which resulted in thousands of people from other places coming to the city to protest. The authorities released the boys, but the protest did not stop; it turned into an uprising that spread to other cities in the country.In July 2011, the Free Syrian Army a rebel group was established with the goal to overthrow the Assad regime which started the civil war. The Free Syrian Army was not the only rebel group that emerged during this armed conflict, and some states in the international arena has played a major role in this civil war that has escalated over time and has already affected hundreds of thousands of civilians. So, why has the international community remained inactive in fulfilling their duty to protect the Syrian population? How did the RtoP doctrine fail in the case of Syria? Could it be that the Libyan case has affected the implementation of RtoP in Syria? When gas/chemical attacks happened in Syria the international community was not able to prevent, or even react to this actively. R2P principles states that is the state is unwilling or unable to protect its own people, the international community has the responsibility to react, to step in and help. But where is this responsibility? This chapter will attempt to evaluate the legal and political considerations in the application of RtoP in Syria. Part II will talk about the different actors involved in the Syrian war. Part III will discuss the principles of the R2P doctrine to determine its applicability in the Syrian crisis, and the legal and political considerations of its application. This will serve as the basis of my investigation on the failed implementation of the doctrine in the Syrian crisis.