澳洲新南作业代写 健康促进
Keywords:澳洲新南作业代写 健康促进

健康促进应注重支持方法、教育和咨询(Snelling, 2014)。健康从业人员在促进健康、预防和减少疾病的影响方面发挥着重要作用,并帮助人们在工作和社会环境中保持自己的角色(Wills, 2014)。海报包括健康促进的教育个体的好处正念来减少压力,并鼓励他们积极健康援助生活变化模型开发健康促进在萌芽阶段,帮助简化的辩论的过程健康促进当时(Naidoo &威尔斯,2015)(见附录A)。它由三个重叠的领域包括健康教育、健康保护和预防Naidoo &遗嘱,2015)。这种模式的优点是它集中于实践,然而,它没有考虑到个人的幸福,这是海报的主要主题点。健康成因不包括集中在影响支持人类健康,而不是影响导致疾病(Von der Heyden, 2006)。Tannahill的模型是有限的,因为健康促进不仅包括三个活动领域,而且由于简单而缺乏定义。然而,由于它的简单性,它可能比以后引入的其他复杂的健康模型更容易理解。比蒂的模型识别四个健康促进策略,采取立法行动,卫生说服社区发展和个人咨询(Naidoo et al ., 2015),(见附录B)。坐标轴表示干预的方法,可以是一个自底向上的方法(谈判)或自顶向下方法(权威)和干预的焦点,可能是一个团体或个人(遗嘱,2007)。社区发展和个人咨询方法提高了知识并赋予个人新的技能。社区发展方法关注的是像海报所针对的一群人。卫生专业人员通常采用自顶向下的方式,以保护社区和个人为目标,利用卫生说服和立法行动方法(Wills, 2007)。然而,这种方法可能通过责怪受害者而使人们失去权力,并可能导致有限的改变(Hubley & Copeman, 2008)。有效的健康促进需要跨越所有象限的许多不同的方法。贝蒂的模型使卫生从业人员能够分析卫生促进战略及其作为服务提供者的作用。它有助于形成当前的实践,并建立新的策略,如海报中提倡的正念压力。作者认为贝蒂的模型更适合改变健康行为的海报,因为它涵盖了个人的幸福。它与压力和精神健康问题更相关,因为它被认为是在医生/客户关系中赋予个人控制自己健康的权力。
澳洲新南作业代写 健康促进
Health promotion should focus on support methods, education and counselling (Snelling, 2014). Health practitioners play an important role in the promoting of health, preventing and reducing the impact of illness, and also assisting people to maintain their role at work and their social environments (Wills, 2014). The poster encompasses health promotion as it educates the individuals on the benefits of mindfulness to help reduce stress and encourages them to make positive health changes to aid well-beings model was developed when health promotion was in its infancy and helped to simplify the process of the debates on health promotion at that time (Naidoo & Wills, 2015), (see appendix A). It consists of three overlapping spheres including health education, health protection and prevention (Naidoo & Wills, 2015). The advantage of this model is that it concentrates on practice, however, it does not take into account the well-being of an individual which is the main subject point of the poster. Salutogenesis is not included which concentrates on influences that support human health, rather than on influences that cause disease (Von der Heyden, 2006). Tannahill’s model is limited, as health promotion covers more than just the three spheres of activity and lacks definition because of its simplicity. However, because of its simplicity it may be easier to apprehend than other complex health models introduced after this time. Beattie’s model identifies four strategies for health promotion, legislative action, health persuasion, community development and personal counselling (Naidoo et al., 2015), (see appendix B). The axes signify the method of intervention that can be a bottom up approach (negotiate) or a top down approach (authoritative) and a focus of intervention that may be a group or individual (Wills, 2007). The community development and personal counselling approach enhances knowledge and empowers individuals with new skills. The community development approach focuses on a group of individuals like the poster is aimed at. Health professionals typically operate in a top down approach by utilizing health persuasion and legislative action methods with the object of protecting communities and individuals (Wills, 2007). However, this approach could disempower people by victim blaming and may lead to restricted change (Hubley & Copeman, 2008). Many different approaches across all the quadrants are needed for effective health promotion. Beattie’s model allows health practitioners to analyse health promotion strategies and their role as service providers. It helps to shape current practice and build new strategies such as mindfulness for stress as promoted in the poster. The author considers Beattie’s model more appropriate to the poster in changing health behaviour as it covers the well-being of individuals. It is more relevant to stress and mental health problems as it is seen to empower individuals to take control over their health within a practitioner/client relationship.