澳洲政治学作业代写 影响社会工作
Keywords:澳洲政治学作业代写 影响社会工作

澳洲政治学作业代写 影响社会工作
The policy influences social work practice by placing specific statutory duties on social workers and agencies working with children to ensure children are protected from harm and promote their welfare as seen in Section 11 of Children Act 2004. This includes communicating and effective information sharing, liaising with other organisations and agencies, understanding risk factors, assessing and responding to the needs and contributing to multi-agency assessments and reviews. The intention is to champion the ethics in social care services, stressing the responsibilities of SWs and their managers to guarantee that the codes are adhered to. The welfare of a child should be paramount in decisions and development of services to ensure that right help is given to the child at the right time for best outcomes. Secondly, policies set out what is expected of social workers and determine what society can expect from the services. The government uses social work services to deliver welfare obligations. The policy stipulates social workers identify concerns and assist to manage and reduce any problems that need addressing. They ensure to protect vulnerable children and keep them safe by assessing the potential risks and prevent abuse from occurring. They co-ordinate with other relevant agencies to protect and promote the welfare of children regardless of race, sex, gender, religion, and disability and prevent behaviour that can harm children. A local authority social worker, health practitioners, and a police representative should, be involved in the strategy discussion. All attendees should be sufficiently senior to make decisions on behalf of their organisation and agencies.