
Public administration within countries can have a far-reaching and wide number of definitions. It can include those companies from private sectors that work for a given government in certain instances, or it can be inclusive of the recent trend in global politics toward the greater introduction of private interest in public affairs. Naturally, this is of major importance when discussing the impact that exogenous and endogenous factors have upon the shape of public administration within countries. Secondly, it is also sometimes very difficult to determine what constitutes an outside or an inside influence. In a global world of increased capacity for networking and the shaping of global opinion than ever before, how is it entirely possible for an influence to emerge directly from the internal machinery of the state, or from a network of global trends, influences and pressures? Surely the terminology of externality and internality has to be adapted to incorporate this problematic. For instance, usually it is considered that the population of a given state tends to be endogenous, because the people arise from within that state. However, these people also have access to a blizzard of global information, trends and streams of ideology that prioritize the importance of certain opinions and trends. Therefore, because it can be said that the first instance of public policy change is based on global trends, then the people’s impact on the state must therefore be, to an extent exogenous. This difficulty can, of course, be adapted to almost anything else, from corporatist interest, to a states reaction to foreign policy. In this essay I will look firstly at a few choice examples of how certain, traditionally regarded endogenous and exogenous factors tend to shape and mutate the size, elasticity and overall culture and nature of the public administration faculty of given governments, looking in particular at the USA, the UK, Russia and the EU, and upon how while political rhetoric referring to public administration has changed, but its impact upon the size and the functioning of public departments has been, in the majority of cases, negligible. Also, I will look at how supposedly the largest endogenous factor in an alleged democracy, namely public opinion, is often lost to a swathe of other, exogenous pressures such as increased corporatist pressures, global ideology and NGOs that precipitate spending cuts in public administration.