
This essay will reflect the wide diversity of children, parents and families encountered in early year settings, using popular theories as well personal experience. Exploring the ethical issues related to difference in relation to personal beliefs and values. It will also evaluate government legislation and initiatives that impact upon diversity issues, identify sources of support, information and resources for managing diversity in early year's settings and considering how they can be used. Difference' is a word that arguably some early year professnals and people fear and hope that they will never have to deal with the issues it raises and wider implications associated. The above quote succinctly sums up what the nature of the world is full of and what children see, hear every day and are surrounded by. Why are we sheltering ourselves from difference instead of embracing it and teaching our children about it? Diversity is defined as a 'quality of being different or varied, a range of difference'. (Oxford Dictionary p.157). Professional practitioners should be aware of all the different types of diversity that they may come across in working in early years. Colour, religion and culture, gender, disability, learning styles, personality and socioeconomic. Children don't have to have a physical diversity for them to be different; every child should be treated as different, as every child is different from the next.