A firm understanding of learning and developmental processes is essential to make effective and valuable class room decisions. The learning style theory had been of particular interest to me which states that every individual has a particular style and tendency of learning and if the teaching takes that into consideration, promising results can be achieved (Robotham et al, 1999) . If there is a mismatch between the individuals /student's preferred style of learning and the teacher's approach, the student might loose interest in the programme although physically she/he will be present. However, the practical application of this theory has been unclear. Being an activist and pragmatist, I believe that this learning style theory can be put into practice for an effective teaching. As pointed out by Robotham (1999), self-directed learning is a suitable option where an individual actively selects from a personal style or portfolio. A knowledge of self-directed learning acquired during my teacher training made me interested in exploring the use of this teaching method. This involves the removal of barriers to self-directed learning such as rigid programme structures. I also learnt that if a lecturer is prepared to step back and give a room to students to define and devise learning strategies and to make mistakes, the higher education teaching can move beyond the evaluation of grades and performance to effective learning and development of an individual as a whole. My own teaching skills have improved since I have learned this and other theories of learning. A baseline knowledge of the developmental theories have enabled me to understand various aspects of the nature of my students and hence it has also boosted my confidence as a teacher.