
People are different from one another and their not equal. Every person has unique styles to learn. Learning styles define as an intellectual capacity, concentrates, absorbs and remembers information. Each person has a unique learning skills and styles. To further clarify there are famous models found by Honey and Mumford, and Kolb.In Honey and Mumford model explain four types of learning styles such as Activist, Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatist. Activist means 'I will try anything once' some people if they want do something or learn, they will try anything once. These kinds of learners are open-minded and enthusiastic about new things, act first and think about consequences later and easily get involved with others. Second learning style is Reflectors means, 'Look before you leap' these kinds of learners are learning observe and ponder new experience, and their analysing all available data before they act and they think before come to the conclusion. Third learning style is Theorist means 'If it is logical it is good' this style says that some people are learning through the theories assumptions, principles and models. They would always think problems through systematically and logically. The last learning style is Pragmatist means 'If it works, it is good, but there is always a better way' these kind of people learn if something works in good way and practically that is the best way for them, eager to try out ideas, theories and techniques to see if they work in practice, They are essentially practical, down to earth people who like making practical decisions and solve problems.