
历史学家们对“童年”的概念有分歧。白羊座,De Mause和石相信有了变化而在整个时间,,Pollock,阿天和Abbott的状态,有一个“连续性”的童年。鳕鱼(1983)说:“即使过去人们对孩子有不同的看法,这并不意味着他们不被视为孩子”。(莫尔斯,J.的几个社会建设的杰姆斯,詹克斯和普洛特。童年的社会学理论的贡献。国际儿童rights.2002-01杂志。卷10。1号,PP 39-54)。过去人们认为孩子们都是一样的,一个“普世的”或“正常的”孩子。后来关于儿童健康和福利的研究发现了这些对儿童的误解,这些儿童时代的观点的变化,已经被社会科学家和所谓的“社会建构”研究了,他们认为,在不同的社会中,儿童是怎样的并不完全相同。对他们的期望也是不同的。一个预先设想的想法是,英国的儿童可能会被视为依赖和无能,而在世界其他地方,儿童有许多责任,并期望每天应付。然而,仅仅因为儿童可以,并不意味着他们应该这样做。社会学是对人类社会的研究,提供对我们所生活的社会的理解。儿童社会学受家庭、健康、收入、教育、政治问题和环境等外界因素的影响。通过对童年社会学的研究,本文将了解如何通过互动,影响儿童和整个社会如何塑造和约束儿童。社会学研究方法包括观察、访谈和统计。
Historians are divided in their ideas of what constitutes 'childhood'. Aries, De Mause and Stone believe there have been changes throughout time, whereas, Pollock, O Day and Abbott state that there is a 'continuity' of childhood. Pollock (1983) argues "even if children were regarded differently in the past, this does not mean they were not regarded as children". (Morss, J. The several social constructions of James, Jenks and Prout. A contribution to the sociological theorization of childhood. International journal of children's rights.2002-01. Vol. 10. No. 1, pp 39-54). In the past it was thought children were all the same, a 'universal' or 'normal' child. Later research, into child health and welfare has identified these misconceptions of childhood.These changes in the opinions of what childhood is, has been researched by social scientists and termed 'social construction', which regards how- children, in different societies are not all the same. The expectations put on them are also different. A pre conceived idea is that children in the UK may be seen to be dependent and incompetent, whereas in other parts of the world children have many responsibilities and are expected to cope with on a daily basis. However, just because children can, does not mean they should.Sociology is the study of human societies, providing an understanding of the society in which we live. The sociology of childhood is affected by outside influences such as family, health, income, education, political issues and the environment. Through studying the sociology of childhood, the essay will give an understanding of how, through interaction, children may be influenced and how society as a whole portrays and puts constraints on children. Sociological research methods include observations, interviews and statistics.