
也许看儿童戏剧如何演变的最好方法是从一开始就开始。作为儿童娱乐的第一种表演形式之一是朱蒂和木偶戏。这些木偶剧是在十七世纪开始的,在孩子们发现的不同场景中,扮演了潘先生和他的妻子朱蒂的角色,他们通常会在劝说中加入一些麻烦或恶作剧。这是一个很好的了解B. F Skinner的积极和消极的强化理论。虽然他的理论直到60年代才出现,但我们可以理解孩子在良好的行为和不良行为后的良好反应中的良好反应。在这种情况下,用警棍打重拳先生的其他人物如朱蒂或鳄鱼偷他的香肠是视为一种不好的行为,引发孩子的“boooo负反应!”按所说的字符。这个理论也适用于舞剧、儿童剧的另一个早期的形式,但是有一个更大的社会发展与鉴定。观众参与是这种娱乐形式的一个关键方面。根据心理学家的说法,儿童从早期起就自然而然地合群,但他们与父母等成人人物形成了密切的联系。一旦他们了解了他们对某些环境的反应,他们就会变得更开放。以戏剧为例,我们可以看到孩子们与人物建立关系,特别是那些与他们直接交流的人物,比如灰姑娘的“按钮”角色。澳洲拉筹伯论文代写:儿童戏剧演变他扮演故事的叙述者,对孩子们来说很有趣,所以他们认为他是一个安全的角色,在那之后,他们认为“邪恶的继母”是残忍的,他们不得不大声喊叫,表达他们对一个优秀人物的不良行为的消极态度。当观众们在这些时刻进行合作时,孩子们会变得更加自信,因为他们不是孤独的,他们是以个人发展为基础的。
Probably the best way to look at how children's theatre evolved is to start at the beginning. One of the first performance styles recognised as children's entertainment was Punch and Judy puppet shows. These puppet shows started in the seventeenth century, playing out the characters of Mr Punch and his wife Judy in different scenarios that children found amusing, usually involving some sort of trouble or mischief being added to the persuasion. This is a good insight into B.F Skinner's theory of positive and negative reinforcement. Although his theory did not emerge until the sixties, we can understand a child's recognition of a good response following a good action and bad response following bad conduct. In this case, Mr Punch using a truncheon to hit any other character such as Judy or the Crocodile stealing his sausages is seen as a bad action which triggers a child's negative response to "Boooo!" at said character. This theory can also apply to Pantomime, another early form of children's theatre, however there is a greater identification of social development that coincides with. Audience participation is a key aspect of this form of entertainment. According to psychologists, from the early stages children are naturally sociable, however they form close attachments to adult figures such as their parents. They become more open socially once they gain an understanding of how they are supposed to react to certain environments. Take the Theatre, for example and we can see that children establish relationships with characters, particularly those who communicate directly with them, such as the role of "Buttons" in Cinderella. He acts as a narrator for the piece and is amusing for children to watch, so they regard him as a safe role, after that they regard the "Evil Stepmother" as cruel and feel compelled to shout out and express their negativity towards their bad conduct against a good character. As the audience collaborate during these moments children are made to feel more confident as they are not alone and build upon their personal development.