
There are some typical conjectures involving elderly learners such as they require special support and teaching methods. However, evidence points to the contrary and suggests that elderly students appear to be highly motivated and organized and their performance is as good as the students of any other age. It is also found that though they have apprehensions about their memory, only a small number of students actually report difficulties with memory. Thus, older students' needs are reasonably similar to those of younger students and they do not need any special provision provided for them and are committed to their education.Investigations of third age education in different countries show that collectivist countries such as India, Japan and Malaysia prefer learning systems that involve awareness programmes, social, communicative and communal learning as well as that which contributes to other's well being . In work settings, the motivations to learn stem from a sense of self-fulfillment and desire to be physically and mentally active, to learn and try new things . They prefer to engage in programmes that have learning that is relative to the outcome and they want to be able to apply their newly learned skills and knowledge to their work setting, suggesting a desire for an instant result of 'return on investment'