
全球化早就存在了。基于人类发展报告1990 - 2000由和平儿童国际,全球化已经存在了第十六个世纪以来,在英国、法国、西班牙和荷兰开始在世界其他国家通过征服、占领和剥削他们为了获得利润(2002,p. 42)。然而,即使在二十世纪,这些殖民帝国崩溃,殖民主义的不平等和不公正也为当今世界上正在进行的不平等奠定了舞台。今天正在发生的全球化实际上与以前发生的殖民化有关。也有人说,全球化是殖民化的化身。全球化正在发生的是从殖民时代非常不同,因为,作为HDR 1999解释说,这是新的演员,新的规则形成,新的市场和新的工具-每一个创造了机遇,也面临新的挑战”(和平儿童国际,2002,p. 42)。作为“新”的全球化是当今最具争议的问题之一,它被提到的国家的领导人,都讨论了教育工作者,博主、商人、记者、甚至于蓝领工人和街道上的人。值得注意的是,由于使用如此广泛,很难找到精确一致的定义。《柯林斯英语词典》中定义的全球化是一个由跨国公司主导的单一世界市场存在的趋势(2008)。全球化带来的另一个类似的含义简要定义建议通过波特(1999,在球,2001,p. 230),这是指各族各国也开始越来越多地结合成一个单一的实体”。上述两种定义都表明全球化是吸引人们和国家走向新事物和趋势的东西。然而,这两个来源是“全球化”定义为积极的和一般的,因为他们是。事实上,世界各地仍在讨论全球化的更多定义。这是因为不同的定义来自不同的观点。正如前面提到的这个术语的知名度一样,如果这个术语的意义难以确定的话,那也就不奇怪了(吉登斯,1999)。幸运的是,除了前面提到的一般定义外,全球化的一个定义吸引了我,帮助我更好地理解这个术语。
Globalisation has actually existed since long time ago. Based on the Human Development Reports 1990 - 2000 by Peace Child International, globalisation has existed since the sixteenth century when Britain, France, Spain and the Netherlands started to colonise other countries around the world by conquering, occupying and exploiting them in order to gain profit for themselves (2002, p. 42). However, even when those colonial empires broke down during the twentieth century, the inequality and injustice of colonialism have set the stage for the on-going disparities in the world today. The globalisation that is happening today is actually interrelated with the colonisation that happened before. Some people also said that globalisation is the incarnation of colonisation.The globalisation happening now is very different from the colonial era because, as HDR 1999 explains, it is shaped by new actors, new rules, new markets and new tools - each of which creates opportunities but also new challenges" (Peace Child International, 2002, p. 42).As the 'new' globalisation is one of the most debated issues nowadays, it is mentioned and discussed everywhere by nations' leaders, educators, bloggers, businessman, reporters and even by blue collar workers and any people on the streets. Remarkably, for being so widely used, it is hardly to find a precisely agreed definition. Globalisation as defined in Collins English Dictionary is a trend towards the existence of a single world market dominated by multinational companies (2008). Another brief definition of globalisation that brings similar meaning suggests by Porter (1999, in Mortimore, 2001, p. 230), which is "the process by which the peoples and nations of the world are increasingly drawn together into a single entity". Both definitions mentioned above show that globalisation is something that attracts people and nations towards something that is new and in 'trend'. However, these two are among the sources that define 'globalisation' as positive and as general as they are. In fact, there are still a lot more definitions of globalisation being discussed around the world. This is because different definitions would come from different point of views. As being mentioned before of how famous the term is, it would not be a surprise if the meaning of the term is hardly to be determined (Giddens, 1999). Fortunately, apart from the general definitions mentioned previously, there is one definition of globalisation that attracts me and helps me to understand the term better.