
阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦,出生于德国的理论物理学家,曾经说过:“小的是人眼睛看见的数量和他们的头脑思考。”[ 1 ]人们往往审视外部世界与内部的偏见,自己的设想关于种族下观察人;大多数人往往也用他们的眼睛认为,爱因斯坦的上述爆料,并认为一个人的内心与他们的外表。一个停止这样做的时候,一个有经验的矛盾的设想和定型。偏见导致人们刻板的态度和行为。然而,当这些刻板印象是否定的经验,个人被迫重新评估自己的偏见。因此,偏见可以克服当人们被迫将一个现实,反驳他们的陈旧观念。这样的实例很多例子在电影撞车展出,由保罗·哈吉斯导演。
Albert Einstein, a German-born theoretical physicist, once stated that “small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their minds.”[1] People tend to scrutinize the external world with their internal prejudice, observing people under their own presumptions about race; the majority of people tend to also think with their eyes, as claimed by Einstein above, and assume that a person’s insides correspond with how they look on the outside. One stops doing so when one has an experience that contradicts one’s presumptions and stereotypes. Prejudice leads to stereotypical attitudes and behaviors in people. However, when those stereotypes are disproved by experiences, individuals are forced to re-evaluate their prejudicial attitudes. Therefore, prejudicial attitudes can be overcome when people are forced to juxtapose a reality that disproves their stereotypical attitudes. Many examples of such instances are exhibited in the movie Crash, directed by Paul Haggis.