
According to Harvard Business Review 3D printers will change the world and business as well. 3D printer machine that produces objects of any shape, on the spot and as needed, really is ushering in a new era. Goods will be infinitely more customized, because altering them won’t require retooling, only tweaking the instructions in the software. Creativity in meeting individuals’ needs will come to the fore, just as quality control did in the age of rolling out sameness. These first-order implications will cause businesses all along the supply, manufacturing, and retailing chains to rethink their strategies and operations. And a second-order implication will have even greater impact. As 3-D printing takes hold, the factors that have made China the workshop of the world will lose much of their force. China has grabbed outsourced-manufacturing contracts from every mature economy by pushing the mass-manufacturing model to its limit. It not only aggregates enough demand to create unprecedented efficiencies of scale but also minimizes a key cost: labor. China will have to give up on being the mass-manufacturing powerhouse of the world. This new technology will change again how the business leans. (3D Printers Will Soon Change The World, If It's Not Strangled In A Lawyered Up World, 2014).