
Overall, the results of this research were very successful. The main findings can answer the question that was made at the beginning of this research paper: the group had fallen into a routine (or so it appeared), and the solution was searching for ways to learn English with the book (as they are always a reference for students and the teacher), and with interactive activities to complement and reinforce their learning. With this change, the students became more motivated, making an effort to practice the grammar and learn in a more active way. In fact, it should be mentioned that the research clearly shows an almost "miraculous" improvement of students. (my sentiments exactly) By looking at the results graphs, one can appreciate the amazing change that takes place, as students change from unmotivated and bored to very active, willing to "speak" English and participate in activities, showing an enormous effort.To further analyse whether this research, and the methodology used in it was successful, a SWOT analysis will be made. First of all, the strengths of this research are the fact that students always acted in their regular way. The fact that there was someone observing did not alter their attitude towards their English class. This could be seen especially at the beginning, during the observation stage, since they did not mind that a new person was watching to speak to each other, to draw, etc. This was important and helpful to determine the problem and, then, find the appropriate way to solve it.