
情绪、感觉和价值对一个人的幸福和人生成就至关重要(Ediger, 1997)。高质量的情绪和感觉可以帮助学生在课堂上发挥最大的潜力。那些反感和消极的学生在很长一段时间内都不能集中注意力,而且很难达到他们的潜能。阿卜杜拉,玛丽亚。庄。伊莱亚斯Habibah。,Mahyuddin。,Rahil。乌里。, Jegak(2004)对学生情商的整体水平进行了研究,研究结果表明,情商与学业成绩之间存在正相关关系。学生与学业成绩的正相关关系表明,如果学生在学业上表现得更好,那么他/她的情商也会更高。本研究的另一项发现是学生的情商与负面影响(愤怒、沮丧和焦虑)呈负相关关系,表明高情商的学生具有较低的负面影响或与负面影响(愤怒、沮丧和焦虑)呈负相关关系。
The emotions, feelings, and values are vital for a person's well being and achievement in life (Ediger, 1997). Quality emotions and feelings help students give their best potential in the classroom. The students who are aversive and think negatively cannot concentrate for a long time and have more difficulty in reaching their potential than others. Abdullah, Maria., Chong., Elias, Habibah., Mahyuddin., Rahil., Uli., Jegak (2004) conducted research to examine students overall level of EQ. Research findings indicate that there is positive relationship between EQ and academic achievement. The student's positive relationship with academic achievement indicated that if the student performed better on his/her academics then he/she will be emotionally intelligent too. And the other finding of this study is the students have negative relationship of EQ with the negative affect (anger, frustration and anxiety) which showed that the students with high EQ have low negative affect or negative relationship with negative affect (anger, frustration and anxiety).