
然而,其他研究人员,如Moll和Whitmore(1998),则认为ZPD概念在课堂上是有用的。他们认为,传统的基于非激进互动的ZPD概念确实太过狭隘,无法将课堂的文化维度作为学习的背景。Moll和Whitmore(1998)以儿童的书面作业为例,展示了一个特定的班级教师如何提供了一系列“真实的社会环境”,在这些环境中,她的双语学生能够探索他们语言的无数口头和书面惯例。Moll和Whitmore(1998)认为,没有必要仅仅从每个儿童的特征来看待ZPD,而教室可以容纳“集体”zpds。他们将ZPD重新定义为“可以鼓励儿童在特定的社会(话语)环境中参与协作活动的区域”(Moll和Whitmore, 1998,第132页)。他们得出的结论是,课堂应该被视为一种社会文化体系,在这种体系中,教师和学生随着时间的推移会建立起共同理解的历史,并产生新的知识。
Other researchers, however, such as Moll and Whitmore (1998), haveargued that the ZPD concept can be useful in classroom contexts. Theysuggest that traditional conceptions of ZPD based on dyadicinteractions are, indeed, too narrow and do not account for thesocio-cultural dimensions of the classroom as a context for learning. Moll and Whitmore (1998) use examples of children's written work todemonstrate how one particular class teacher provided a series of‘authentic social contexts' within which her bilingual students wereable to explore the myriad of oral and written conventions of theirlanguages. Moll and Whitmore (1998), thus, suggest that it isunnecessary to view ZPD simply in terms of the characteristic of eachindividual child but that classrooms can accommodate ‘collective'ZPDs. They redefine the ZPD as “a zone where children can beencouraged to participate in collaborative activity within specificsocial (discourse) environments” (Moll and Whitmore, 1998, p. 132). They conclude that classrooms should be viewed as socio-cultural systems where, over time, teachers and students build up a history of shared understandings and generate new knowledge.