
Women constitute nearly half of the population of the world. Education of women is considered an important issue in the development of the society and if society is developed it will take active part in the development of the nation. Women are educated than only they will able to look and fight after the negative issues faced by them in a positive manner. If each and every state of the country is educated then only the overall growth of the country is possible.India comprises of 29 States and 6 Union Territories. Uttar Pradesh is the most populous and 4th largest state of union of India.Uttar Pradesh is located in the northern part of India. The literal meaning of Uttar Pradesh is ‘Northern Province’. With the adoption of constitution of republic India on January 26, 1950, the state of Uttar Pradesh, cultural cradle of India, came into existence. On November 9, 2000, Uttar Pradesh was divided into two states – Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal (later renamed as Uttarakhand) resulting in drastically altering the shape of the state. Lucknow is the administrative and legislative capital of the state while Kanpur is the financial and industrial capital. There are in total 71 districts in this state.