
美国和欧盟都有法律和立法机构禁止学校和工作场所等机构存在任何性别歧视,并鼓励保护妇女权利。此外,欧盟国家已批准了《消除对妇女歧视公约》等公约。然而,这些措施是无效的,因为这些法律和公约严重缺乏管制,也没有监测这些法律和公约的执行情况。这两个地区的性骚扰率都在稳步上升,因为在美国和欧盟,超过60%的女性在其一生中都遭受过性骚扰(Clarke 2007, 1),必须对此采取措施。令人欣慰的是,证词,特别是过去几年的证词,引发了各种运动,使人们了解世界各地妇女遭受性骚扰的可怕事例,并揭露这种令人憎恶行为背后的个人。像“我也一样”和“时间到了”这样的广泛运动给受害者提供了一个可以疗伤的社区,也给了他们一个可以在工作场所内外与性骚扰作斗争的声音。如果骚扰和攻击不是一个突出的问题,就没有必要进行这样的运动。性骚扰在美国和欧盟仍然是一个普遍存在的问题,因为即使有了公约、法律和立法机构,由于缺乏监管、对实施情况的监督有限以及缺乏国家承认,受害者在斗争中仍然是孤军奋战。
Both the United States and the European Union have laws and legislature in place that prohibit institutions, like schools and workplaces, from having any gender discrimination and encourage the protection of women’s rights. Additionally, countries in the EU have ratified convention such as the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). However, these measures have been ineffective because there is a severe lack of regulation of these laws and conventions and no monitoring of how they are being implemented. Sexual harassment rates rise steadily in both these regions as over sixty percent of women in the US and EU have been sexually harassed in their lifetime (Clarke 2007, 1) and something must be done about it. Thankfully, testimonies, particularly from the past few years, have sparked the creation of movements that shed light on the horrifying instances of sexual harassment of women around the world and expose the individuals behind such abominable acts. Widespread movements, such as #MeToo and Time’s Up have given victims a community to heal and a voice through which they can combat sexual harassment both in and out of the workplace. There would not be a need for movements like these if harassment and assault were not a prominent issue. Sexual harassment remains a pervasive issue in both the United states and the European Union because, even with conventions, laws, and legislature in place, the lack of regulation, limited monitoring of implementation, and an absence of national recognition leave victims alone in their fight.