澳洲MQ assignment代写 善待社区
Keywords:澳洲MQ assignment代写 善待社区

这意味着法律并不强迫他们善待社区,他们这样做是因为他们关心需要帮助的人。价值观是我们做出的决定,而不是写下来让企业遵循的声明。麦当劳有一个“麦当劳叔叔”慈善机构,自1974年以来一直在帮助家庭。麦当劳之家慈善机构(2018)在其网站上表示,该慈善机构的目标是让人们参与到志愿工作中来,为住在医院的家人提供舒适的生活环境,为他们提供最好的照顾。(CSR Report, 2015)企业派遣员工也贡献几个小时服务公众。这表明企业是在环境中考虑周到的,他们派出员工,让更多的员工提供服务来获取利润。Jennifer Elks(2014)认为,这些迈向社区的步骤创造了一个良好的形象,“这些可持续的目标是企业价值链的关键。这意味着企业有能力实现和创造长期的愿景,这将为企业带来大量的成功。(CSR report, 2015)企业帮助员工,使他们的工作环境更加灵活。他们为员工提供经济支持,如退休支持,并为他们的福利提供各种保险。他们提供家庭支持,如带薪休假、生孩子和灵活的制度,让父母缩短工作时间。麦当劳为员工提供定期健康检查和其他各种福利支持。从特殊带薪休假到通过业务获得奖励资格。这表明他们对自己所采取的行动负有社会责任,并对员工给予了极大的照顾。这表明员工对工作很满意,他们的特殊需求也很重要。拥有大量的激励意味着人们愿意承担麦当劳员工的角色,并在企业内部制定未来计划,比如通过管理来控制员工,为客户服务。
澳洲MQ assignment代写 善待社区
This means the law does not force them to be kind toward the community, they do this because they care for the people in need. The values are the decisions we make and not a statement written down for businesses to follow. McDonald has a Ronald McDonald charity which has been helping families since 1974. On Ronald McDonald House Charity (2018) website states the charity is aiming for people to take part in the voluntary work and provide families whose family members are in the hospital a comfortable living place and provide them with the best care. (CSR Report, 2015) The business sends out their employees to also contribute a few hours to serve the public. This shows that business is considerate in the environment by sending their staff and having more employees to perform the service to gain profit. According to Jennifer Elks (2014), these steps toward the community creates a great image and “these sustainable goals are a key to the value chain of the business.” This means the business is capable of achieving and creating long-term visions which will bring a mass amount of success to the business.(CSR report, 2015) The business helps the employees and makes their working environment flexible. They support their employees by providing them with financial support such as retirement support and through various insurances for their welfare. They provide family support such as paid leaves, childbirth and a flexible system for parents to work shorter hours. McDonald provides the employees with regular health check-ups and other various support for employee’s welfare. From special paid leaves to incentives qualifications through the business. This shows they are socially responsible for the actions they undertake and take great care of their employees. It shows the employees are happy at work and also their special needs are being seen as important. Having a lot of incentives means people are willing to take on the McDonald staff roles and creating future plans within the businesses such as serving the customers to controlling the staff through management.