麦考瑞会计论文代写 古老的银行
Keywords:麦考瑞论文代写 古老的银行

作为西方最古老的银行,富国银行建立了服务、诚实和可靠的标准。在黄金发明的刺激下,亨利·威尔斯和威廉·法戈在1852年创造了威尔斯、法戈和他的公司。1852年7月13日,该公司在加利福尼亚的大都会开始了它最初的工作,为商人和矿工提供银行、快递和邮件递送服务。当矿商们被困在加州北部和东部时,富国银行的银行业务、快递业务和通讯业务与他们一起进行。富国银行在加州的成功使该公司得以迅速扩张。到了10月,美国政府的主要办公场所在波特兰的Front Street开张了。威廉姆·巴恩哈特,富国银行在美国州的最初代理人,收到了随后的指示:“你可以在美国州镇,塞勒姆和其他地方选择并任命你自己的代理人。客户不仅将他们的黄金、信件、包裹和货物委托给富国银行,一些人甚至使用整体分类公司来移动他们的妻子和孩子。在19世纪60年代,富国银行(Wells Fargo)通过一个向西延伸了3000多英里(约合3000多公里)的出色的长途汽车网络,将其分布广泛的办公室连接了起来。一旦加利福尼亚人和俄勒冈人转向农业和生产,富国银行继续提供分类服务。1888年,该公司的分类办公室覆盖了每个州,并“从大洋到大洋”来到了纽约。到1918年,富国银行在全国拥有1.1万个办事处。在第一次战争中,联邦政府把全国所有的分类公司都置于政府管理之下,作为机动部队和有效载荷的时期。富国银行(Wells Fargo)的分类标志遍布整个美国,而富国银行(Wells Fargo)只剩下一家银行在华盛顿。在整个20世纪,富国银行成为了如今享有盛誉的银行。通过与其他公认的银行合并,如yank financial organization, Crocker Bank, initial interstate, and Norwest,富国银行已经成为美国第五大银行。富国银行(Wells Fargo)这个名字已经有150年的历史了,它是全世界正直和稳定的标志。
麦考瑞会计论文代写 古老的银行
As the oldest Bank within the West, Wells Fargo has established standards of service, honesty, and reliableness. Spurred by the invention of gold, Henry Wells and William Fargo fashioned Wells, Fargo, and Company in 1852. On July 13, 1852, the firm opened its initial work in the metropolis, California, providing banking, express, and mail delivery services to merchants and miners. As miners’ captive north and east of CA, Wells Fargo’s banking, express, and communicating went with them. Wells Fargo’s success in CA allowed the corporate to expand quickly. By October, the primary American state workplace opened on Front Street in Portland. William Barnhart, Wells Fargo’s initial agent in the American state, received the subsequent instructions: “You can please choose and appoint your own Agents at American state town, Salem, and elsewhere.Customers not solely entrusted their gold, letters, parcels, and freight to Wells Fargo, some even used the overall categorical company to move their wives and kids. within the 1860s, Wells Fargo connected its far-flung offices via an excellent land coach network extending over three thousand miles of the West. once Californians and Oregonians turned to farm and producing, Wells Fargo continued to supply categorical services. The firm’s categorical offices blanketed each state and went “ocean to ocean” to NY in 1888. By 1918, Wells Fargo had a network of eleven thousand offices nationwide.During the first warfare, the federal placed all of the nation’s categorical firms below government management as a period live to maneuver troops and payload. Wells Fargo categorical signs fell across the American state, and Wells Fargo was left with one bank in the metropolis. throughout the Twentieth Century, Wells Fargo became the bank it’s far-famed nowadays. By merging with alternative recognized banks like yank financial organization, Crocker Bank, initial interstate, and Norwest, Wells Fargo has become the nation’s fifth largest bank. once quite one hundred fifty years, the name “Wells Fargo” stands as a logo of integrity and stability worldwide.