澳洲MQ作业代写 保健领域
Keywords:澳洲MQ作业代写 保健领域

这涉及到医疗保健领域的领导者必须掌握的技能,以便通过合作、学习和分享新技能,向患者提供最佳的和改进的技能。大学和其他高等教育机构(医学院)现在的目标是使毕业生具备知识和技能,以满足社会的需求,从而有助于改善人类的条件。例如,阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校(University of Alabama at Birmingham)在医学院开设了领导力学院,以帮助提高战略思维技能,重点关注阿拉巴马医疗保健中心面临的机遇和挑战。最近,不文明行为在工作环境中呈上升趋势,这导致了公司和个人成本的增加。根据Anderson和Pearson(1999)的观点,文明是一种行为形式,它构成了在工作环境中对他人表示礼貌、尊重和尊重的行为。不文明会导致工作绩效下降,导致员工流失率高,引起客户不满。领导力顾问和卫生外科医生Michael wood(2010)证明了一个案例,即公民领导力对当前充满压力、破坏性、复杂和要求的护理环境很重要。但是,如果在高等教育中,由于新的商业模式、快速的技术变革和资源获取的限制,这些都是有风险的、紧张的、不文明的工作环境。数字领导者的责任是为工作环境中鼓励积极行为的人们制定行为标准。这可以通过在工作环境中建立护理学院的核心价值观来实现。
澳洲MQ作业代写 保健领域
This deals with skills that leaders in the healthcare must acquire in-order to deliver optimal and improved to patients by collaborating, learning and sharing new skills. Universities and other higher educational institutions (medical schools) are now of the aim to equip graduates to meet demands of society by equipping them with knowledge and skills that can contribute to enhance the conditions of human beings. For example University of Alabama at Birmingham has implemented leadership academy in the school of medicine to aid improvement in strategic thinking skills, focusing on opportunities and challenges facing the Alabama healthcare centre. In recent times incivility has be on the rise in the work environment which has led to an increase in cost to companies and individuals. According to Anderson and Pearson (1999) civility is a form of behaviour which constitute the act of showing politeness, respect and regard to others in the work environment. Incivility results in reduction in job performance leading to high employee turnover and causes customer dissatisfaction. A leadership consultant and a health surgeon, Michael wood (2010) proved a case that civil leadership is important for the current care environment which is stressful, disruptive, complicated and demanding. However, if these are experienced in higher education which caused by new business model, fast technological changes and restriction to access of resources, academic nurses will experience a work place which is risky, stressful and subjected to incivility. It’s the responsibility of a digital leader to set a standard of behaviour that is expected of people in the work environment that will encourage positive behaviour. This can be done by establishing core values for nursing academy which incorporate caring and empathy in the work environment.
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