澳洲麦考瑞作业代写 印度公立学校
Keywords:澳洲麦考瑞作业代写 印度公立学校

印度的公立学校有太多的教师缺勤。在此情况下,如果在正常工作时间内无法在学校找到该教师,则视为缺勤,不包括兼职教师或志愿者教师。量词“太多”指的是Chaudhury等人(2006年)的发现,在对印度各地约3000所政府运营和资助的学校进行的三次不事先通知的访问中,25%的教师被发现缺课。25%这个数字也特征相比,缺乏率高的教师,通过相同的方法和测量研究在其他四个上下中等收入国家[1]——在与孟加拉国接壤(16%)、厄瓜多尔(14%)、印尼(19%)和秘鲁(11%)(乔杜里et al . 2006;世界银行2018年)。与高收入国家的这一比例相比,全国教师质量委员会(NCTQ)发现,美国40个大城市的教师94%的时间都在上班(NCTQ, 2014)。我的分析的目标这一严重问题在印度是减少教师缺勤率,有明确的目标,减少教师缺席在政府学校的比例从25%降至13%,到2022年,通过衡量一个全国性的随机调查,按照此方法从乔杜里et al。(2006)。首先,我地址老师缺席率高的后果是什么,这个问题如何影响不同群体的利益相关者。受教师高缺勤率影响的一个非常重要的群体是学生。经验证据表明,教师的高缺勤率对学生的成绩有负面影响。Kremer等人(2005)在印度证明,教师缺勤10%与学生出勤率下降1.8%有关,四年级学生考试成绩下降0.02个标准差。Das等人(2004年)在赞比亚的研究表明,教师缺勤率每增加5%,在一学年的英语和数学学习平均增长就会减少4%到8%。Ehrenberg, Ehrenberg, Rees和Ehrenberg(1991)发表的一篇基础性论文发现,如果正规教师不在,学习就会减少,学生的学习积极性也会下降,学生的学习成绩也会下降。
澳洲麦考瑞作业代写 印度公立学校
Too many teachers are absent from government schools in India. In this context, the teacher is considered absent if he/she could not be found in the school during regular working hours and excludes part-time or volunteer teachers. The quantifier ‘too many’ refers to the findings by Chaudhury et al. (2006) that 25 percent of teachers were found to be absent from their schools during three, unannounced visits to about 3000 government run and financed schools across India. The 25 percent figure is also characterized as high in comparison to the absence rates of teachers, measured through the same methodology and study in four other lower and upper middle-income countries[1] – in bordering Bangladesh (16 percent), Ecuador (14 percent), Indonesia (19 percent), and Peru (11 percent) (Chaudhury et al. 2006; World Bank 2018). For comparison to what this rate looks like in a high-income country, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) found that teachers in 40 of the United States’ largest metropolitan areas were present for work 94 percent of the time (NCTQ, 2014). The goal of my analysis of this serious problem in India is to reduce teacher absenteeism rates, with the explicit objective of reducing the percentage of teachers absent in government schools from 25 percent to 13 percent by 2022, as measured through a nationwide random survey, following the methodology from Chaudhury et al. (2006). First, I address what the consequences of high teacher absence rates are, in terms of how this problem affects different groups of stakeholders. A very important group affected by high teacher absenteeism rates is students. Empirical evidence suggests that high rates of teacher absence has a negative impact on student outcomes. Kremer et al., (2005) demonstrated in India, that a 10 percent increase in teacher absence was associated with a 1.8 percent decrease in student attendance, and a 0.02 standard deviation decline in test scores of fourth grade students. Das et al. (2004) showed in Zambia that a 5 percent increase in teacher absentee rates reduced learning by 4 to 8 percent of average gains over the academic year in English and mathematics. A foundational paper by Ehrenberg, Ehrenberg, Rees and Ehrenberg (1991) found that to the extent that less learning occurs when regular teachers are absent, student motivation to attend school also falls, and student academic performance may suffer.
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