
这个项目的目的是帮助教师有效地使用谷歌应用程序进行沟通和协作。考虑到在新加坡的MOE实施后采用谷歌应用的趋势,教师也需要理解他们不需要学习如何使用或教授技术。相反,他们需要知道如何利用这项技术提高效率(Roger Nevin, 2010)。然而,学校仍然面临着培养一批使用Web 2.0技术的先锋教师的挑战,此外,也很少有关于改变使用技术在学校合作的方法的研究。根据Punya和Matthew在技术教学内容知识框架(TCPK)上的一个框架,它帮助教师有效地将技术集成到教学环境中。到目前为止,还没有在新加坡进行的研究证明谷歌应用程序需要创建一个协作环境,并为学校的师生开放交流。协作和沟通工具的使用将为学生提供丰富和相关的内容提供基础。即使谷歌的应用程序打开了更多的教学可能性,教师们似乎也需要了解这个系统能给他们和他们的学生提供什么。因此,学校需要了解在学校采用谷歌应用程序的意义,以及系统的持续使用。通过结合调查和访谈的研究方法,目的是找出教师如何能够利用谷歌应用为教育工作者提供高质量的教育。它也为教育学、内容和技术之间的复杂关系提供了一种理解。
The aim of this project is to focus on helping teachers communicate and collaborate effectively using Google Apps. Given the trend of adopting Google Apps following the ongoing implementations from the MOE in Singapore, there is also a need for teachers to understand that they do not need to learn how to use or teach the technology. Instead, they are required to know how to harness the technology for a more efficient use (Roger Nevin, 2010). However, schools are still met with the challenge of nurturing a pioneer batch of teachers to teach using Web 2.0 technologies and in addition, there is also little research on transforming the methods of using technology to collaborate in schools.Based upon a framework by Punya and Matthew on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework (TCPK), it helps to provide teachers to integrate technology effectively into a pedagogical environment. So far, no research has been conducted in Singapore to prove that Google Apps would necessity create a collaborative environment and open up communication links for teachers and students in school. The use of collaboration and communication tools would provide the foundation to deliver rich and relevant content to students. Even with Google Apps opening up more pedagogy possibilities, it would seem that teachers would also need to understand what this system can offer to them and their students. Therefore, there is a need for schools to understand the implications behind adopting Google Apps in school and also, the continual use of the system. Using a combination of research methodologies with survey and interviews, the aim is to find out how teachers would be able to harness the use of Google Apps for Educators to provide quality education to students. It also provides an understanding towards the complex relationship between the pedagogy, content and technology.