澳洲莫纳什留学代写 语言学理论
Keywords:澳洲莫纳什留学代写 语言学理论

澳洲莫纳什留学代写 语言学理论
Also, individuals who are good in ‘Linguistics’ theory of intelligence: they are able to use words finely, either writing or speaking. These people are typically very fine at story writing, good at remembering information and reading, great in remembering written and spoken information, they really enjoy reading and writing, they are good at debate discussions, able to give influential or convincing speeches, able to express things clearly, know how to use humor when telling stories and they it use frequently. Their career may be in writing (journalist), or as a lawyer or a teacher. People, who are an efficient in ‘logical-mathematical intelligence’ can think rationally, can memorize patterns and reasonably evaluate problems. These people like to think or assume theoretically about numbers, relationships and have excellent problem-solving skills. They enjoy thinking about philosophical ideas, directing scientific studies and are strong at finding complicated calculations. Their possible career options may be analyst, mathematician, computer programmer, architect and accountant.‘Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence’, those who have high body kinesthetic intelligence are good at body movements, operating action, and bodily control. Individuals who are able in this area tend to have very good hand-eye coordination and smoothness and tactfulness. The main features include: great at moving to rhythms like dance and sports like soccer or baseball, delight in constructing things with his or her hands, and have an excellent physical organization. They remember things by doing, as compared to hearing or seeing. Their possible future career options may be a dancer, builder or engineer, sculptor, or performer.
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