澳洲教育学作业代写 数字原生代
Keywords:澳洲教育学作业代写 数字原生代

社会学家马克·普伦斯基(Mark Prensky)创造了“数字原生代”(Digital Natives)这个词,用来指所有在技术发展期间或之后出生的人,以及“数字移民”(Digital Immigrants)这个词,指的是那些虽然不是出生在数字世界,但随着时间的推移在生活中引入了技术工具的人。如今的学生是数字原生代,因为他们经常被科技所包围:电脑、平板电脑、智能手机和社交媒体已经成为他们日常生活的一部分。他们同时进行多项任务,通过链接、视频和图形进行学习,借助互联网搜索信息,借助社交平台与他人分享自己的生活经历。这些新的数字手段使生活在各个方面变得更容易和更好,并允许新一代以一种完全不同的方式思考和生活,更确切地说,以一种互动的方式。前几代人,包括教师和教育工作者,都可以被定义为数字移民,因为他们必须适应新的技术环境,并开始以不同的方式传播知识。在今天的社会中,科技已经成为我们生活的方方面面不可分割的一部分:在家里,在工作中,尤其是在学校。现代教师上课时使用笔记本电脑向学生展示幻灯片、链接和在线文档,但如果他的语速越来越快,怎么可能把所有笔记和信息都写下来呢?这个问题的答案是:虚拟学习环境(VLE),一个基于网络的平台,允许教授与他们的学生分享学习材料。根据这项研究,电脑和平板电脑正在取代教科书,在黑板上学习正在变成在互动白板上学习。但是这种变化的原因是什么呢?出生于2000年代左右的孩子,在科技世界中长大,所以他们在生活和课堂上使用数字手段更容易。这些工具构成了一个巨大的资源,能够提高技能和创造力,它们的目的是帮助学生完成任务,促进学习,并确保教师和学习者之间的更大效率。
澳洲教育学作业代写 数字原生代
he sociologist Mark Prensky coined the term “Digital Natives” to indicate all people who were born during or after the development of technology and “Digital Immigrants” everyone who wasn’t born in a digital world but who introduced technological tools in their life over time. Today’s students are Digital Natives because they are constantly surrounded by technology: computers, tablets, smartphones and social media are parts of their everyday life. They are multitasking, they study by using links, videos and graphics, resort to the Internet to search for information and social platforms to share their life experience with other people. These new digitals means have made life easier and better in every way and have allowed new generations to think and live in a completely different way or rather, in an interactive way. All generations prior, including teachers and educators, can be defined as Digital immigrant because they had to adapt to the new technological environment and started to disseminate knowledge in a different way. In today’s society technology has become an integral part of all aspects of our lives: at home, at work and particularly at school. A modern teacher gives a lesson by using the laptop to show their students slides, links and online documents but when he tends to speak faster how is it possible to write all notes and information? The answer to this question is: virtual learning environment (VLE), a web-based platform that allows professors to share learning material with their pupils. According to this, computers and tablets are replacing textbooks and learning on blackboards is turning into learning on interactive whiteboards. But what is the reason for this change? Children who were born around the 2000s, grew up in a technological world so it’s easier for them to use digital means in life and in class. These tools constitute a great resource capable of improving skills and creativity, they have been created with the aim of helping students in their tasks, facilitating learning and ensuring greater efficiency between teachers and learners.
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