
一个多世纪以来,校际体育运动中发挥了突出的作用,美国的高等教育景观。大学体育确实是美国高等教育的一种现象,它是课外发展的一种手段,为那些本来不可能有过这种机会的学生提供了机会。他们培养了学生的校风,展示了团结学生、教师、职员、校友和公众的能力。此外,大学体育运动提高了大众对普通高等教育的兴趣。大型体育场挤满了热情的人群带来了高校校园生活的关注(素,2004)。另一方面,批评家们指出,大学体育的商业化和职业化是如何破坏高等教育的。学院和大学牺牲他们的学术标准牺牲他们的正直,以便他们能在赛场上取得成功。无论是好是坏,大学体育的传统无疑是镶嵌在美国高等教育中。他们往往把重点放在“大时间”足球或篮球在传统的权力,如德克萨斯大学或肯塔基大学。在游戏的回收过程中,William Bowen和Sarah Levin专注于那些不经常与大学体育腐败有关的组织。他们的研究探讨了大学运动在高选择性,学术声望的机构。33精英院校研究从常春藤盟校书冰雹,新英格兰小大学体育联合会(nescac),和大学体育协会。这些包括学术中坚如哈佛大学,耶鲁大学,Williams College,阿默斯特学院,华盛顿大学-圣路易斯,和芝加哥大学。人们会认为,这样的名校会拒绝妥协,追求体育运动的成功,尤其是这些学院和大学在相对较小的阶段进行竞争。然而,Bowen和莱文认为,这些机构并不能幸免于与大学时代大运动有关的问题。
For more than a century, intercollegiate athletics has played a prominent role in the American higher education landscape. Truly a phenomenon of American higher education, college sports have been a vehicle of extracurricular development and provided opportunities to students who might not have had them otherwise. They have generated school spirit and demonstrated the ability to unite students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the general public. Additionally, college athletics have boosted the general public's interest in higher education in general. Large stadiums packed with enthusiastic crowds have brought attention to the campus life of colleges and universities (Thelin, 2004). On the flip side, critics point to how the commercialization and professionalization of college athletics have corrupted higher education. Colleges and universities sacrifice their integrity by compromising their academic standards so that they might achieve success on the playing field. For better or worse, the traditions of college athletics are undoubtedly embedded in American higher education.Much of the energy devoted to college athletics, from both advocates and critics, is aimed at highly competitive spectator sports. They tend to focus on "big time" football or basketball at traditional powers such as the University of Texas or the University of Kentucky. In Reclaiming the Game, William Bowen and Sarah Levin concentrate on groups of institutions not commonly associated with corruption in college athletics. Their study examines college athletics at highly selective, academically prestigious institutions. The 33 elite colleges and universities researched in the book hail from the Ivy League, the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC), and the University Athletic Association. These include academic stalwarts such as Harvard University, Yale University, Williams College, Amherst College, Washington University in St. Louis, and the University of Chicago. One would think that such prestigious institutions would refuse to compromise their standards to pursue success in athletics, particularly when these colleges and universities are competing on relatively small stages. Bowen and Levin establish, however, that these institutions are not immune to the problems commonly associated with big-time college athletics.