
麦克白在公众面前展示了他自己在戏剧一开始就表现出了公正的品格,但在后来的戏剧中他却表现出了邪恶的一面。麦克白刻画了忠诚和英雄主义的性格,这证明了他性格的公正性。在剧中,麦克白展示了两张不同的面孔;他在私底下和公开场合表现出不同的个性。麦克白的野心是他真正的悲剧缺陷,它导致了他的垮台。麦克白说自己说,“一个€¦我必须倒了,否则o 'erleap /在我的谎言。星星,隐藏你的火焰;请不要让光看到我那黑色而深沉的渴望马尔科姆,国王邓肯的儿子,被宣布为坎伯兰公爵,这意味着他也是苏格兰王位的继承人。麦克白愿意把他所有的原则都推到一边。他知道为了成为苏格兰国王而谋杀国王邓肯是错误的。这就是为什么他说有必要隐藏他的“黑暗而深刻”的抱负。麦克白也都市的,“€¦刺痛了我的意图,但只有/向上爬的野心,o 'erleaps本身/和落在其他”。麦克白承认,唯一促使他杀死邓肯国王的是他的野心。麦克白的良心在整个故事中一直困扰着他,它使他不能忘记他所知道的一切对与错。在这里,野心被描绘成丑陋和黑暗的东西。麦克白曾说过:“虚情假意,虚情假意,虚情假意。”(1.7.81-82)麦克白和麦克白夫人正在讨论杀死邓肯的计划。麦克白告诉麦克白夫人去那里招待他们的客人,让他们觉得有一个美好的时光。他们不知道这是他们杀死国王邓肯的阴谋的一部分。麦克白隐瞒了他的真实身份和真实意图。他的野心最终导致了他灾难性的垮台。
Macbeth demonstrates himself in public to have fair character at the start of the play in difference to his foul self later on in the play. Macbeth characterizes a character of loyalty and heroism that proves the fairness of his character. In the play Macbeth exhibits two different faces; he portrays a different personality in private and in public. Macbeth’s ambition is his true tragic flaw, it causes his downfall. Macbeth speaks to himself saying, “…On which I must fall down, or else o’erleap, / For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; / Let not light see my black and deep desires Malcolm, the son of King Duncan, is proclaimed Prince of Cumberland this means he is also the heir to the throne of Scotland. Macbeth is willing to push all his principles aside. He knows that murdering King Duncan in order to become King of Scotland is wrong. This is why he says it is necessary to conceal his “black and deep” aspirations. Macbeth also citied that, “…To prick the sides of my intent, but only / Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself / And falls on th’ other”. Macbeth confesses that the he only thing that is motivating him to kill King Duncan is his ambitions. Macbeth’s conscience bothers him throughout the story it is prohibiting him from forgetting all he knows about right and wrong. Here, ambition portrays as something ugly and dark. Macbeth quoted that, “Away, and mock the time with fairest show/ False face must hide what the false heart doth know” (1.7.81-82). Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are going over the plan to kill Duncan. Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth to go out there and entertain their guest and make them feel like their having a splendid time. They do not know that this is all part of their plot to kill King Duncan. Macbeth is concealing his true identity and his true intentions. His ambitions ultimately lead to his catastrophic downfall.