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在近代,对父母和家庭有不同的刻板印象;有单亲家庭、同性家庭、“传统”家庭。父母和家庭也可以通过许多方式从政府获得财政支持,例如儿童税收减免、儿童福利、CSA。除此之外,如果父母需要回去工作,还有许多不同的设施供他们使用,如保育员、家庭支持和托儿所。还有对儿童和父母双方都有利的支助和供应。父母可以让他们的孩子接受某种类型的教育,例如私人托儿所或3个月大的保育员,帮助那些不得不回去工作的父母。当这种情况发生时,父母可以申请育儿券来帮助他们支付育儿费用。从3岁到4岁的孩子得到12.5小时,这些是由工党政府和地方当局提供的(LA)所以父母可以把孩子在托儿所或幼儿园从3岁,给他们一个先机,品酒师准备上学。在2007年,政府引入了早期基础阶段(EYFS)条款,即结合了基础阶段和诞生三个事项的条款。EYFS始于2008年9月。EYFS“围绕四个主题,一个独特的孩子,积极的关系,有利的环境,学习和发展。积极的关系主题是使孩子变得强大和独立,从一个基础的爱和安全的关系与父母”(DFES, 2008)。早期基础阶段(EYFS)也与一个名为“家长作为早期学习项目伙伴”(PPEL)的支持项目有关。2006年10月,家长作为早教项目的合作伙伴开始实施;“项目小组进行了一次审计,以审查目前的规定,对英格兰150个拉斯(地方当局)的政策和作法进行了初步基线审计”。(儿童家庭及教育部门,2007)。由2008年9月起,新入读中学的学生,从4岁至16或17岁,必须依法上学或接受某种全日制教育,例如家庭教育。如果孩子不上学,或者他们没有接受过某种全日制教育,那么父母就会受到惩罚。这可能是罚款,也可能是监禁。根据儿童家庭及教育部门(2009)“家长应该支持学校通过确保他们的孩子参加学校,如果他们不那么父母会面临罚款£30到£150,继续让孩子的家长学校小姐,最大可能已经£1000 /父母/孩子,他们也可能面临监禁三个月.
In more recent times, there are different stereotypical versions of parents and families; there are single parent families, same sex families, the ‘traditional’ families. There is also many ways in which parents and families can get financial support from the government, for example child tax credits, child benefits, CSA. As well as that, there are many different facilities for parents to use if they need to go back to work, such as childminders, family support and nurseries. There is also support and provisions available to benefit both children and parents. Parents can put their child into some type of education for example private nurseries or childminders from as young as 3 months, for parents who had to go back to work. When this happens then parents can apply for childcare vouchers to help them with childcare costs. From the age of 3 until the age of 4 children get 12.5 hours, these are provided by the Labour government and offered by the Local Authorities (LA) so again parents can place their child in nursery or preschool from the age of 3 and give them a head start and get taster ready for school. In 2007, the government introduced the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) provision, which was a combination of the Foundation Stage and Birth to Three Matters provisions. The EYFS began in September 2008. The EYFS is “based around four themes, a unique child, positive relationships, enabling environments and learning and development. The positive relationship theme is to enable the children to become strong and independent, from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents” (DFES, 2008). The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is also linked to a supporting programme called the Parents as Partners in Early Learning Project (PPEL). The Parents as Partners in Early Learning Project began in October 2006; “the project team undertook an audit to review current provisions with an initial baseline audit of policies and practices across 150 LAs (Local Authorities) in England”. (DCSF, 2007). From the age of 4 until the age of 16 or 17 for new secondary school pupils from September 2008, children have to by law either go to school or be in some type of full time education for example home schooling. If the child does not attend school or if they are not in some kind of full time education then the parents will be punished. This could be by a fine or it could even be imprisonment. According to the DCSF (2009) “parents should support school by ensuring that their child attends school, if they do not then the parents can face fines between £30 and £150 and for those parents who continue to let their children miss school, the maximum possible is already £1,000 per parent per child and they could also face up to three months imprisonment”

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