
急诊护士执业有权检查,如有必要治疗病人(阅读等,1992)。他们的拳头在埃塞克斯郡的老教堂医院。近1998的事故和急诊部门雇用的急诊护士执业(库珀等人,2001)。纯粹的介绍一种新的服务是不够的,除非它的有效性清楚地表明。虽然有一些以前的研究,分析了急救护理人员提供的服务质量(该et al.,1999)的护士参与了这些试验进行具体的培训,在那里获得其他医务人员很容易出现额外的支持的工作环境。然而,大多数的急诊护士执业没有额外的培训或合格的医务人员的支持(Cooper等人,2001)。要比较急诊护士从业人员提供的服务质量,应采取的方法,具有共同的目标。在目前的研究(库珀等人,2002),作者确定了四个重要领域的核心分析的工作质量的急诊护士执业。患者的满意是第一要素,因为一个新的服务介绍是唯一合理的如果它被大众所接受(拉森,厚德载物,1976)。下一个因素是临床文件,因为生产准确的临床笔记可以提供重要的信息,其他人参与治疗的特定病人,也可以作为重要证据之前,法院法。另外两个因素是意外的后续行动和错过的伤害的数量,因为即使是轻微的伤害,可能会导致显着的发病率
The Emergency Nurse Practitioners have the authority to examine and if necessary to treat patients (Read et al., 1992). They were fist employed at Oldchurch Hospital in Essex. By 1998 almost half of the Accident and Emergency departments employed emergency nurse practitioners (Cooper et al., 2001). Purely the introduction of a novel service is not enough unless its effectivity is clearly demonstrated. While there were some previous studies that analyzed the quality of service provided by the emergency nurse practitioners (Sakr et al., 1999) the nurses involved in these trials underwent a specific training and worked in an environment where access to other medical staff was readily present for additional support. However most of the emergency nurse practitioners do not have additional training or qualified medical staffs support (Cooper et al., 2001). To compare the quality of service provided by emergency nurse practitioners, an approach should be taken that has common objectives. In the current study (Cooper et al., 2002) the authors identify four important areas as the core of analysing the quality of work of the emergency nurse practitioners. The satisfaction of the patients is the first factor, since an introduction of a new service is only justified if it accepted by the public (Larsen and Rootman, 1976). The next factor is the clinical documentation, since producing accurate clinical notes can provide important information to others involved in the treatment of the particular patient and can also serve as important evidence before the court of law. The two other factors are number of unplanned follow-up and the number of missed injuries since even minor injuries can result in significant morbidity