
天才儿童有时被称为“异步”,因为他们的身体/情感增长与他们的智力增长不相对应。传统上,由于学校无法为这些学生提供先进的安置或缺乏课程,有天赋的学生没有得到充分的服务或身份不明。如果一个学生表现出厌倦、缺乏兴趣或被诊断为注意力缺陷障碍,那么这类学生的成绩可能并没有反映出他们真正的潜力。对于这类学生,时代没有改变。这些学生中的许多人仍在正规的教室里,没有机会进阶,有特殊的天才教室或额外的发现课程来满足他们的需要。联邦政府的《不让一个孩子掉队法》(No Child Left Behind Act)在帮助这些学生达到他们的学术和/或人才目标方面没有留下什么空间。将这些因素与那些由于无法在标准化考试中表现出色而未被识别的天才儿童,或社会经济文化水平低下,以及那些有学习障碍的学生,在他们的天赋中表现出来的,给大多数学区带来了一个难题(Lardner, 2004)。然而,发展学校课程的第一步是识别过程。
Gifted children are sometimes called "asynchronous" due to their physical/emotional growth not corresponding to their intellectual growth. Traditionally, gifted students have been under-served or go unidentified due to schools being unable to provide advanced placement or the lack of curriculum for these students. If a student shows signs of boredom, lack of interest or diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, the score of such student may not have reflected their true potential. Times have not changed in regard to this type of students. Many of these students are still in regular classrooms without the opportunity of advanced placement, specific gifted classrooms or additional discovery classes to service their needs. The Federal No Child Left Behind Act has left little room for helping these students attain their full academic and/or talent goals. Combining these factors with the gifted children who are not identified due to not being able to perform well on standardized tests, or a low socioeconomic culture and those with learning disabilities that accompany their giftedness presents a dilemma for most school districts (Lardner, 2004). However, the first step for developing curriculum for schools is the identification process.