
This will be used in my lesson plan once the students have determined what the moral of the story is, or once the teacher has discussed it with them. Once they have figured out the theme of the story, the teacher will open this document and the parts that are highlighted will be used to explain how to find the theme of the story, what the kids should be looking for. The result of this is that the students will know how to determine how to find the theme of stories by looking at specific sentences or words used in the passage. Students can also use this program if they choose when they are going over their own passages for homework.Stixy Board program- this website will be used at the end of the lesson. It contains all of the information that students will need to do their homework based on the lesson they have learnt. The purpose of this program is that it will allow the teacher to post the homework assignment online for students to do, and students will have easy access to all of their homework assignments. Also it contains all the documents that the students will need to complete their homework assignment.