
While on the subject of deontology, it’s important to recognize that deontology is an agent-relative approach and, unlike Utilitarianism, does recognize individual interest. “Each of us is morally permitted to give special weight to our own interests, just because they are ours” (McNaughton and Rawlings 35). A point made in deontology is that a person has special obligations or responsibilities to people they hold close and value more than others. Deontology also gives the idea of constraints that people hold because individuals can have different moral principles that keep them from making morally impermissible decisions. A deontologist can be constrained by the principle that “killing is wrong and should never be done” and in a dilemma where killing is a factor, the deontologist would uphold that principle. A utilitarian on the other hand would consider killing if doing so would have greater utility that not doing so. The third point in deontology involves options which allows people to not always follow through with actions that could be considered “necessary” or actions that maximize utility.Knowing the bases for these theories it could be understandable why deontologist would criticize utilitarianism’s ability to understand individual moral differences. From the utilitarian point of view, it’s unnecessary to have special obligations. Take parenting for example, it would be expected that a parent would have an obligation to treat their child well because they value their child over others. For a utilitarian, treating children well should not be confined to just that one parent’s interest because well-being would increase if all children were treated well.