
这些网络很重要,因为它们具有高地位的知识,例如大学入学程序。“不能与白人建立社会关系,也不能在白人网络中获取信息,这就降低了黑人和拉美裔在青春期后的生活机会。”戈德史密斯(Goldsmith) 2009年还提出了未来研究的理由,该研究主要针对少数族裔社区的学校,因为它将提供关于种族隔离对学生成就影响的宝贵数据。本研究的方法包括了之前所述的数据,以及从1990年和1992年的人口普查报告中检索到的学生的居住邮编区域的分析。这项由(Austin, A M, 2008)进行的研究清楚地列出了种族隔离学校与非白人学生成绩之间的相关性。该研究结果的权重进一步使前两项研究的重要性合法化,讨论了在种族隔离的学校和种族隔离的社区中,学生的社会资本缺乏活力所造成的长期的生活质量差异。本研究的主要目的是将白人男女学生的平均绩点与男女少数民族学生的平均绩点进行比较。然后,学生的高中gpa被用来衡量未来的大学成绩。这一研究也支持了该研究所提出的研究,明确指出美国学校的种族隔离会直接影响到少数民族学生在高等院校的竞争能力以及最终在就业市场上的竞争能力。
These networks are important because they carry high-status knowledge, for example, about college admission procedures. “An inability to form social ties with whites and to access information in white networks reduces the life chances of blacks and Latinos well after adolescence. Goldsmith, 2009 also presents reason for future research to study schools in predominantly minority neighborhoods as it would provide valuable data on effects of segregation on student achievement. The method for this research included NELS data as stated before as well as an analysis of students' residential zip code areas retrieved from eth 1990 and 1992 census reports.The research conducted by (Austin, A M, 2008) clearly lays out data for the correlation between segregated schools and achievement on non-white students. The weight of the findings in this study further legitimize the importance of the two previous studies discussion of the long-term, quality of life disparities caused by the lack-luster community social capital of students in segregated schools and segregated neighborhoods. The main focus of this research was to compare the grade point averages of white male and female students to the grade point averages of male and female minority students. The student's high school GPAs are then used a measure to project future college achievement by race. This research also supports the research presented by the NELS, clearly stating that racial segregation in schools across the U.S. directly affects minority students' ability to compete in institutions of higher learning and eventually in the job market.