
教育,尤其是发展中国家的教育,是极其宝贵的,因为它可以解决该国的许多问题。对女性进行教育有它自己的好处清单,大多数人对此一无所知。首先,贫穷和文盲是密不可分的。研究表明,大多数文盲妇女生活在经济困难日益增加和“沉重的债务负担”(Madu)的国家。发展中国家的公民拒绝承认,解决办法在于教育他们的女性。当女性受教育的时候,随着更多的女性开始加入劳动力大军,她们可以为国家的收入做出贡献。根据联合国儿童基金会的数据,当有10%的女性上学时,GDP平均增长3% (UNICEF.org)。这可能有可能消除贫困和发展中国家面临的许多其他问题。第二,受过良好教育并获得独立收入的妇女自然不仅会在家庭中,而且也会在社会中发出自己的声音。换句话说,女性获得了她们需要的自信和勇气,她们需要大声说出自己的想法,抵制她们在周围看到的不公,或者面对自己。这直接反映在马拉拉自己身上,她发现自己的声音“在[她的]父亲的学校里长大”(Yousafzai 118)。尽管受到毛拉和塔利班的威胁,但她从小就享受着奢侈的教育,这让她渴望获得更多的知识。因此,她继续倡导妇女受教育的权利。此外,受过教育的母亲在降低婴儿和儿童死亡率方面所起的作用是深远的。结果显示,在非洲,接受过五年初等教育的母亲的儿童存活率为40%。这是因为受过教育的女性往往有更少、更健康的孩子。此外,当妇女接受教育时,她们更有可能确保她们的子女也受到教育,从而使下一代有能力为社会作出贡献。投资于一个女孩的教育就是投资于一个国家,这话说得对。事实上,有一句非洲谚语说:“如果我们教育一个男孩,我们就教育一个人。”如果我们教育一个女孩,我们就教育了一个家庭——以及整个国家”(Stepp)。总之,教育不仅可以消除无知,而且还能让妇女充分发挥自己的潜能,成为有意识的、有技能的、有生产力的公民。
Education, especially in developing countries, is extremely valuable as it can solve many of the country's problems. Educating women of the country comes with its own list of benefits, most of which people are ignorant towards. Firstly, it is no secret that poverty and illiteracy go hand in hand. Research has shown that most illiterate women live in countries with increasing economic difficulties and "enormous debt burdens" (Madu). What citizens of developing countries refuse to acknowledge is that the solution lies in educating their women. When women are educated, it enables them to contribute to their country's income as more women begin to join the labor force. According to UNICEF, when ten percent more women attend school, GDP increases by three percent on average (UNICEF.org). This may potentially abolish poverty and many of the other problems developing countries are faced with. Secondly, women who are well educated and receive an independent income will naturally find their voice not just in the family, but also within their society. In other words, women gain the self-confidence and courage they need to speak out and resist the injustice they see around them, or are facing themselves. This is directly reflected in Malala herself as she found her own voice "growing up in [her] father's school" (Yousafzai 118). Knowledge is addicting and having the luxury of education from an early age left her craving for more, despite the threats of Mullahs and the Taliban. Thus, she continues to advocate for women's right to education. Furthermore, the role that educated mothers play in reducing infant and child mortality is profound. Results in Africa indicate a 40% in child survival for mothers with five years of primary education (Wade). This is because educated women tend to have fewer and healthier children. In addition to this, when women are educated, they are more likely to ensure that their children are also educated leading to a future generation that is well equipped to contribute to society. It is rightly said that investing in a girl's education is investing in a nation. In fact, there is an African proverb that says, "If we educate a boy, we educate one person. If we educate a girl, we educate a family- and a whole nation" (Stepp). To conclude, education not only removes ignorance, but allows for women to unleash their full potential by becoming conscious, skilled and productive citizens.