
以前面的定义为例,并以此为基础,我们可以确定,首先,“友谊”这个词有几个不同的含义,而不是一个。这不仅在我们这个时代是正常的,因为多年前也是正常的。准确地说,大约两千年前,亚里士多德发现了友谊,他试图定义不同类型的友谊,并从中选择真正的友谊。他把友谊主要区分为基于贵族的利益和友谊,只有贵族才有出席的权利。因此,即使在古希腊,把这两个商人联系起来的关系也不是一种友谊,而是对共同事业成功的兴趣。如果我们的判断严格,并考虑亚里士多德的思想,我们应该提到,政治家之间的友谊也经常被视为在政治上成功的一种方式。(Kraut, 1989)因此,如果我们简单地列出这个词最常见的意思,我们就会发现,在大多数情况下,“友谊”这个词与我们对真正朋友的概念几乎没有什么共同之处。我们知道友谊有三个主要特征,其中之一是承认存在于这种关系中;关系的相互性;给别人最好的。但是有几种友谊是不应该混在一起的。每一种类型都展示了人们关系的一面,有时很容易将其与友谊混淆。
Using previous definitions as example and basing on the we could determine that first of all, the word “friendship” has not one, but several different meanings. And it is normal not only in our time, because it was normal also many years ago. If to be exact in our calculations, something about two thousand years ago it was found by Aristotle, who actually tried to define the different types of friendship and to select among them true friendship. He distinguishes mainly friendship based on the interest and friendship of the noble, which alone deserves the right to be present. Therefore, even in ancient Greece, the relations linking the two businesspersons were seen not as a friendship, but as interest in the success of the common cause. If to be strict in our judgments and taking into account Aristotle’s thoughts we should mention that, the friendship between politicians will be also often seen as a way to succeed in politics. (Kraut, 1989) Thus, if we briefly list the most common meaning of that word, we see that in most cases the word “friendship” has little in common with our notion of a real friend.We know that there are three main features of friendship and among them are recognition of being in this relationship; mutuality of the relationship; wanting the best for another person. But there are several types of friendship that should not be mixed with each other. Each type show one side of people’s relationships and sometimes it is easily to confuse it with friendship.