
我在学校生活中也经历过这种情况。当我以优异的成绩完成中学教育后,我被阿加汗高等中学录取,但不幸的是,当时我的父亲失业了。那时候我没有任何选择,即使我不能继续我的学习,我错过了一年,我觉得在那个时候。甚至我没有和我的家人说话,这对我和我的家人来说都是一个失望的时刻。当时我咨询了一位辅导员,他建议我去另一所大学继续学习。在所有这些情况下,我意识到社会经济地位的重要性。那时候我变得很伤心,因为我很难应付那种情况。由于经济危机,我不得不离开我以前的学校,这是在我们地区的最高水平。在文献中也指出,父母的收入水平是影响子女学业成绩的重要因素。如果父母挣得足够多,那么父母和孩子的压力就会减少。他们会很容易地为他们的孩子提供学习资源。而收入较低的父母却不能轻易地为孩子提供这样的学习环境,这就成为了学习过程中的一个障碍。(Ahmad。我和汗。N, 2012)。此外,父母的低收入也会导致家庭冲突,因为他们无法获得孩子的基本需求。因此,那些社会经济地位低的学生,他们无法获得高质量的教育,他们无法获得像互联网这样的新技术设施来获取信息,他们无法获得新技术。在萨戈达一所大学的学生中进行的一项研究表明,与社会经济地位较低的学生相比,拥有新技术设施的学生成绩更好,表现也更好。
I have also experienced this kind of situation in my school life. When I completed my secondary education with good grades, I got admission in Aga Khan higher secondary school but unfortunately, at that time, my father lost his job. At that time I had no any option to get admission even I couldn’t continue my studies and I missed one year and I felt at that time. Even I didn’t talk to my family members and it was a moment of disappointment for me and the family as well. At that time I consulted a counsellor who advised me to continue my studies in another college. After all these situations I realized the importance of socioeconomic status.at that time I became very sad because it was very difficult for me to cope with that situation. Due to the economic crises, I had to leave my previous school which was at the top level in our area. In literature, it is also stated that parents income level is an important factor that affects the academic achievement and performance of their children. If the parents earn good and adequate than there would be less stress for the parents as well as for their children. They will provide learning resources easily to their children. While parents with low income, they cannot afford easily their children such a learning environment which becomes a barrier in the learning process. (Ahmad. I & Khan.N, 2012). In addition, low income of parents also leads to conflicts in families due to lack of access to basic needs of their children. So the students who belong to a low socioeconomic status they cannot get a quality education and they cannot access new technology facilities like the internet to get information and they are unable to acquire new technology. As in a research among the students of a university in Sargodha shows that students who are getting facilities of new technology show high grades and they show better performance as compared to those students who belong to low socioeconomic status.