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昆士兰理工作业代写 信息安全

Keywords:昆士兰理工作业代写 信息安全

该立法将信息安全定义为保护未经授权访问任何与政府、扭曲、破坏、破坏和任何其他形式的操纵有关的信息,以保持机密性、可用性和完整性的手段。联邦信息系统安全管理法有各机构必须遵守的各种要求,其中之一是项目官员和各机构负责人每年都要对信息安全时间表进行审查。这些持续不断的审查使各机构能够将政府业务、资产和信息被滥用的风险保持在可接受的水平,同时保持成本效益和较短的时间。联邦信息系统安全管理法的立法实施并不容易,尤其是政府必须遵守各种因素。其中一个挑战是处理信息系统的授权。正如Rosenbach和Peritz所说,访问该信息系统会揭示有关政府的所有数据、它们的运作以及如何实施(Rosenbach & Peritz, 2018)。这些数据如果被错误的人员访问,可能会导致不必要的腐败和金钱损失。在实施联邦信息系统安全管理法时,另一个迫在眉睫的问题是控制和风险评估程序。开放信息系统会增加风险发生和信息泄漏的机会。问题是,风险是不容易解决的,特别是如果许多个人被要求控制系统和改变大多数设置。如果指派评估系统的人员是被雇佣的,或者是被强迫在未经同意的情况下进行评估,持续的监控就会增加恶意获取国家信息并将其用于不良用途的机会。
昆士兰理工作业代写 信息安全
 The legislation defines information security as the means of protecting unauthorized access for any information relating to the government, distortion, disruption, destruction and any other form of manipulation to maintain confidentiality, availability, and integrity. Federal information system security management act legislation has various requirements that each of the agencies must abide with, one of which is that the program officials and the heads of the agencies to engage in annual reviews of the information security schedules. These continuous reviews enable the agencies to keep the risks of government operations, assets and information being misused at acceptable levels while remaining cost-effective and less time-consuming.The implementation of the federal information system security management act legislation is not easy especially because the government must abide by various factors. One of the challenges is the authorization of the information system for processing. As Rosenbach and Peritz claim, access to the information system reveals all the data about the government, their operations, and how they are to be implemented (Rosenbach & Peritz, 2018). The data, if accessed by the wrong personnel, can lead to corruption and money losses that are unnecessary.Another issue imminent in the implementation of the federal information system security management act legislation is the controls and risk assessment procedure. Giving access to the information system raises the chances of risks occurring and information leakage. The issue is that the risks are not easily solved especially if many individuals have the mandate to control the system and alter most of the settings. Constant monitoring promotes the chances of malicious attempts to get the national information and use it in a bad way if the individuals assigned the duties of assessing the system are either hired or forced to do so without their consent.
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