
任务型语言教学(TBLT)作为实施交际教学途径(CLT)方法是一个受雇于亚洲的英语老师最喜欢的方法;(Nunan,2003)声称,大多数亚洲国家调查(大陆中国,日本,香港,韩国,马来西亚,台湾,和越南)同意CLT的原则,并在其中的一部分,任务型教学法(CLT的新实现)是政府言论的中心支柱。任务基本上是定义为一个目标导向的课堂活动(埃利斯,2003;Nunan,2006;牛津,2006;威利斯,1987;帕布,1998)。它要求学习者使用目标语言,更多的是关注意义而不是形式的实践输送(埃利斯,2003;Nunan,2006;Skehan,1998)。牛津(2006)完成任务的行为课堂指令,外部强加在一个人或一个群体的定义,有两个基本原因选择任务型教学作为英语教学和学习方法。第一个原因是注重意义的方法,反映了现实生活中语言使用的欲望(Leaver &威利斯,2004)。语言的使用需要从真实世界的活动引入课堂活动转移,而这可以通过TBL。选择任务的另一个原因是,基于任务的相互作用刺激自然习得过程(帕布,1987)。大量的研究揭示了TBL有效提高学生的语言能力,尤其是口语交流能力(如艾哈迈德,1996;lochana DEB,2006)。
Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) as one of the ways of implementing a Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach is a favorite method employed by English teachers in Asia; (Nunan, 2003) claimed that most Asian countries surveyed (Mainland China, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam) subscribe to the principles of CLT, and in a number of them, TBLT (the latest realization of CLT) is the central pillar of government rhetoric. Task is basically defined as a goal-oriented classroom activity (Ellis, 2003; Nunan, 2006; Oxford, 2006; Prabhu, 1987; Willis, 1998). It requires learners' use of target language that is focused more on the conveying of meaning rather than on the practice of form (Ellis, 2003; Nunan, 2006; Skehan, 1998). Oxford (2006) completes the definition of tasks as behavioral classroom instructions that are externally imposed either on a person or a group.There are two basic reasons to select TBL as an English teaching and learning approach. The first reason is the desire for a meaning-focused approach that reflects real life language use (Leaver & Willis, 2004). Language use needs to be transferred from real world activities into classroom activities, and this can be done through TBL. Another reason for selecting TBL is that task based interactions stimulate natural acquisition processes (Prabhu, 1987). A number of studies reveal the effectiveness of TBL in enhancing students' language proficiency, especially their oral communication skills (eg., Ahmed, 1996; Lochana & Deb, 2006).