
因为学习者有不同的学习方式,所以教师必须配备大量的教学实践,以区分教学,以满足学生目前的理解水平。积极参与和促进有意义的技术使用有助于弥合赤字差距和关键理解。教师必须自学以熟悉今天的学生和他们的学习方式。理解学习风格有助于教师提高教学质量和课堂管理水平。对于改进的教学实践,教师可以通过建立包括积极参与在内的学习中心来帮助不同的学习者,以成功地完成指定的任务。积极的同伴互动可以激励每个学生尽他们最大的努力。Pestalozzi and Froebel的教育哲学与我对教育学生的看法密切相关。Johann Pestalozzi认为每个人都可以学习,每个人都有权接受教育。他认为,作为一个社会,我们有责任把这些事情付诸实践(鲍尔斯和格林,2004)。Froebel的“幼儿园方法”不仅适用于幼儿园学生,也适用于所有学生。
Because the learner has various learning styles, it is imperative the teacher is equipped with a multitude of instructional practices in order to differentiate the instruction to meet students at their present level of understanding. Active engagement and the promotion of meaningful technology usage assists in bridging the deficit gap and critical understanding.Teachers must educate themselves to become familiar with today's students and their learning styles. Understanding learning styles assists the teacher with the improvement of instructional delivery and overall classroom management. Regarding improved instructional practices, teachers can assist the various learners by creating learning centers that involves active engagement in order to successfully complete an assigned task. Positive peer interaction can motivate each student to do their best. Pestalozzi and Froebel's educational philosophies closely relates to what I believe about education students. Johann Pestalozzi believed that every individual could learn and individuals should have a right to an education. He believed that as a society we had a duty to put these things into practice (Bowers and Gehring, 2004). Froebel's "kindergarten method" is not just for kindergarten students, but can be conducive for all students.