
合作与合作学习:ICT鼓励学生之间的互动与合作,而不论他们之间的距离。它也为学生提供了与来自不同文化背景的人合作的机会,并在小组中一起工作,从而帮助学生提高他们的沟通技巧和全球意识。研究人员发现,信息通信技术的使用通常会导致学校内外学习者之间的更多合作,学生和教师之间存在着更互动的关系(Gregoire et al., 1996)。“协作是一种互动和个人生活方式的哲学,个人对自己的行为负责,包括学习和尊重同龄人的能力和贡献。”创造性学习:信息和通信技术促进对现有信息的操纵,创造自己的知识,以产生有形产品或特定的教学目的。综合学习:信息通信技术通过消除理论和实践之间的综合分离来促进教学和学习的一体化方法,这与传统课堂不同,传统课堂强调的只是一个特定的方面。评价性学习:利用信息通信技术进行学习是以学生为中心的,通过各种交互特性提供有用的反馈。信息和通信技术让学生通过新的教学和学习方式发现和学习,而这种教学和学习方式是由建构主义学习理论支持的,而不是由学生进行记忆和死记硬背的学习。
Collaborative and Cooperative learning: ICT encourages interaction and cooperation among students, teachers regardless of distance which is between them. It also provides students the chance to work with people from different cultures and working together in groups, hence help students to enhance their communicative skills as well as their global awareness. Researchers have found that typically the use of ICT leads to more cooperation among learners within and beyond school and there exists a more interactive relationship between students and teachers (Grégoire et al., 1996). "Collaboration is a philosophy of interaction and personal lifestyle where individuals are responsible for their actions, including learning and respect the abilities and contributions of their peers.".Creative Learning: ICT promotes the manipulation of existing information and to create one's own knowledge to produce a tangible product or a given instructional purpose.Integrative learning: ICT promotes an integrative approach to teaching and learning, by eliminating the synthetic separation between theory and practice unlike in the traditional classroom where emphasis encloses just a particular aspect . Evaluative learning: Use of ICT for learning is student-centered and provides useful feedback through various interactive features. ICT allow students to discover and learn through new ways of teaching and learning which are sustained by constructivist theories of learning rather than students do memorisation and rote learning.