
在历史上的这个时候,我们的国家正遭受着贫穷的折磨,至今仍是如此。约翰逊总统希望所有的学生无论经济状况如何都能接受适当的教育。ESEA是第一个全面的联邦教育法,提供了大量的货币基金,用于中小学教育,面向低收入家庭的儿童(公共教育中心,2006年)。该法案已经为许多被认为对低收入家庭学生重要的项目提供了联邦资助(公共教育中心,2006年)。ESEA资助的一些领域是教师发展、家长参与、教学和发展资源(公共教育中心,2006年)。自从ESEA开始生效以来,它已经有了几个名字的变化,每五年修订一次,并继续在8个总统任期内(公共教育中心,2006年)继续存在。即使在它的所有历史中,ESEA的主要原则今天仍然完好无损。也就是说,它“提供有针对性的资源,以确保弱势学生能够获得优质的公共教育”(第201条,小学和中学Act, 1965)。ESEA仍然在继续影响我们的教育系统。这项法案是联邦政府参与教育的一项法案(NEA, 2002)。在前两年,联邦教育预算增加了两倍(汉娜,2005)。通过ESEA创建的Title I,被用于为需要帮助的学生提供额外的帮助(Hayes, 2006)。根据Hayes(2006)的说法,Title I是ESEA中最重要的部分。它的主要目标是为贫困学生提供数学和阅读方面的帮助(Hayes, 2006)。在我们的教育体系中,所有的ESEA都是一个重要的角色,并帮助在弱势国家的教育中取得进一步的进步。
At this time in history our country was suffering from poverty, which it still is today. President Johnson wanted all students no matter their economical status to receive appropriate education. ESEA was the first comprehensive federal education law providing substantial monetary funds for grades K-12 education to schools serving children from low-income families (Center of Public Education, 2006).The act has granted federal funding for many programs that are viewed as important to students from low-income families (Center of Public Education, 2006). A few of the areas that ESEA has granted money towards are teacher development, parent involvement, instructional and developmental resources (Center of Public Education, 2006). Since ESEA has been put into effect it has had several name changes, been amended every five years, and continued to exist through eight presidencies (Center of Public Education, 2006). Even through all of its history the main principle of ESEA is still intact today. That is, it "provides targeted resources to help ensure that disadvantaged students have access to a quality public education"(Section 201, Elementary and Secondary School Act, 1965).ESEA did and still does continues to affect our education system. This act was the entry for the federal government to get involved in education (NEA, 2002). In the first two years the federal budget for education tripled (Hanna, 2005). Title I, which was created through ESEA, was placed into effect to provide extra help for students in need (Hayes, 2006). According to Hayes (2006), Title I was the most significant part of ESEA. Its main focus was to provide help in math and reading for poor students (Hayes, 2006). Over all ESEA was a major role player in our educational system, and has helped lead to further advancement in the education of the nations disadvantaged.