
The importance of self development can't be understated regardless of the scenario an individual is involved in. From the workplace to higher institutions even down to informal interpersonal circumstances; the knowledge of one's self and abilities remains a defining factor between outstanding success or outright mediocrity. Jayaram (2010) "self development is central to our living and survival. It helps us know what we are, where we are, what we should be and where we should actually aim to reach."Management is a position of responsibility, which requires top-notch abilities to effectively utilize people and resources. Yau (2003) insists that how proficient we are in the skills that we have acquired determines our market-value, efficiency and competency level, thus in the context of excellence and inner fulfilment in future managerial roles, self development is invaluable. Drucker (1999) "we live in an age of unprecedented opportunity: if you've got ambition and smarts, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession, regardless of where you started out. It is up to you to carve out your place, to know when to change course, and to keep yourself engaged and productive during your work life." Vaughan (1992) backs this up by identifying reasons for professionals to engage in self development; these include the need update themselves in new knowledge, the need to train themselves for additional roles demanded of them and the need to improve personal effectiveness.