
遴选面试传统上是由一个候选人与一个或更多的组织成员进行互动,该组织评估候选人符合角色所要求的标准。面试通常持续15到60分钟,帮助组织决定是否应该提供个人工作。一般来说,面试遵循三种结构中的一种(非结构化的;半结构化的和结构化的)。这三种方法的不同之处在于,面试前的准备工作是关于面试中要问的问题以及如何解决问题的。通常,面试所要求的更具体的答案会被面试官在准备问题时采用的更结构化的方法表现出来。面试的可靠性常常被认为是很低的,因为面试官不会遵循同样的提问方法或评估每一次面试的方法。此外,还注意到,面试官支持不同的criteras、不同标准的最终决定,并根据最初的预期标准(如Graves、L.M.和Karren, R.J.)对最终决定的数量进行修改。,1996年。就业选择面试:重新审视老问题。人力资源管理35,第163-180页。在Scopus |中,通过CrossRef |视图记录的全文(14)Timothy A. Judge, 2000: 384]。此外,人们还发现,相对于非结构化面试的结构化面试来说,工作表现更可靠、更有预见性。对就业面试的研究综述得出结论:在设定结构后进行面试可以增加面试官评估的可靠性和有效性。
Selection interviews traditionally consist of a candidate interacting with one or more people from the organisation who have assessed the candidate as meeting the criteria which the role requires. The interviews generally last between 15 and 60 minutes and help the organisation decide whether or not an individual should be offered a job. In general, interviews follow one of three structures (Unstructured; Semi-Structured and Structured). The three vary by the amount of prior preparation for the interview in regards to questions to be asked and how the answers should be assed. Often the more specific answers required from an interview will be shown by the more structured approach an interviewer will take in preparation of the questions.Reliability of the interview is argued to often be low, in that interviewers do not follow the same methods of questioning or method of evaluating each individual interview. Additionally, it has been noted that interviewers support the end decisions on different criteras, different standards, and alter in the amount the final decision is based upon the original intended criteria (e.g., Graves, L.M. and Karren, R.J., 1996. The employmentselection interview: A fresh look at an old problem. Human Resource Management 35, pp. 163-180. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (14)Timothy A. Judge, 2000: 384]). It has also been found that job performance is a lot more reliable and foretelling from structured interviews opposed to unstructured interviews. Research reviews of employment interviewing have concluded that carrying out an interview following a set structure can add to the reliability and validity of interviewer evaluations